Browsing by Author Taylor, SJE

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 70  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003An analysis of internal/external event ordering strategies for COTS distributed simulationTaylor, SJE; Mustafee, N
2019Applying the Stress guidelines for reproducibility in modeling & Simulation: Application to a disease modeling case studyTaylor, SJE; Anagnostou, A; Monks, T; Currie, C; Onggo, BS; Kunc, M; Robinson, S
2018An Architecture for an Autoscaling Cloud-Based System for Simulation ExperimentationTaylor, SJE; Anagnostou, A; Kiss, T; Pattison, G; Kite, S; Kovacs, J; Kacsuk, P
2016Business models for cloud computing: Experiences from developing Modeling & Simulation as a Service applications in industryKiss, T; Dagdeviren, H; Taylor, SJE; Anagnostou, A; Fantini, N
29-Aug-2022CALMS: Modelling the long-term health and economic impact of Covid-19 using agent-based simulationMintram, K; Anagnostou, A; Anokye, N; Okine, E; Groen, D; Saha, A; Abubakar, N; Islam, T; Daroge, H; Ghorbani, M; Xue, Y; Taylor, SJE
9-Feb-2022Celebrating the 10<sup>th</sup> simulation workshop: The story of the conference seriesRobinson, S; Taylor, SJE
3-Jun-2019A Cloud-agnostic Queuing System to Support the Implementation of Deadline-based Application Execution PoliciesKiss, T; DesLauriers, J; Gesmier, G; Terstyanszky, G; Pierantoni, G; Abu Oun, O; Taylor, SJE; Anagnostou, A; Kovacs, J
20-Jun-2018The CloudSME Simulation Platform and its Applications: A Generic Multi-cloud Platform for Developing and Executing Commercial Cloud-based SimulationsTaylor, SJE; Kiss, T; Anagnostou, A; Terstyanszky, G; Kacsuk, P; Costes, J; Fantini, N
16-Dec-2019Co-citation analysis of literature in e-science and e-infrastructuresMustafee, N; Bessis, N; Taylor, SJE; Hou, J; Matthew, P
2009Commercial-off-the-shelf simulation package interoperability: Issues and futuresTaylor, SJE; Mustafee, N; Turner, SJ; Pan, K; Strassburger, S
2013Comparative (computational) analysis of the DNA methylation status of trinucleotide repeat expansion diseasesGhorbani, M; Taylor, SJE; Pook, MA; Payne, A
2007Comparing conventional and distributed approaches to simulation in complex supply-chain health systemsKatsaliaki, K; Mustafee, N; Taylor, SJE; Brailsford, S
2005A comparison of CMB- and HLA-based approaches to type I interoperability reference model problems for COTS-based distributed simulationTaylor, SJE; Turner, SJ; Mustafee, N; Ahlander, H; Ayani, R
2013Computational analysis of CpG site DNA methylationGhorbani, Mohammadmersad
10-Dec-2023Conceptualizing Resilience in Supply Chain SimulationTaylor, SJE; Anagnostou, A; Mintram, K; Hua, EY; Tolk, A; Pfaff, M; Mendonça, D
2019Crisis, what crisis - Does reproducibility in modeling & simulation really matter?Taylor, SJE; Eldabi, T; Monks, T; Rabe, M; Uhrmacher, AM
1-Jan-2019A demand-response scheme using multi- agent system for smart DC microgridRwegasira, DS; Ben Dhaou, IS; Kondoro, A; Anagnostou, A; Kelati, A; Naiman, S; Taylor, SJE; Mvungi, N; Tenhunen, H
2016Demonstrating open science for modeling & simulation researchTaylor, SJE; Fabiyi, A; Anagnostou, A; Barbera, R; Torrisi, M; Ricceri, R; Becker, B
Aug-2020Design of a flexible, user friendly feature matrix generation system and its application on biomedical datasetsGhorbani, M; Swift, S; Taylor, SJE; Payne, AM
1999Developing interest management techniques in distributed interactive simulation using JavaTaylor, SJE; Saville, J; Sudra, R