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Showing results 1 to 20 of 136  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
25-Oct-2017Anchoring like octopus: Biologically inspired soft artificial suckerSareh, S; Althoefer, K; Li, M; Noh, Y; Tramacere, F; Sareh, P; Mazzolai, B; Kovac, M
2020Angle-Based Crowding Degree Estimation for Many-Objective OptimizationXue, Y; Li, M; Liu, X
20-May-2019An Annotation Model on End-to-End Chest Radiology ReportsHuang, X; Fang, Y; Lu, M; Yao, Y; Li, M
2012Automatic message annotation and semantic interface for context aware mobile computingAl-Sultany, Ghaidaa
2015Bi-goal evolution for many-objective optimization problemsLi, M; Yang, S; Liu, X
2014Big data analytics on PMU measurementsKhan, M; Li, M; Ashton, P; Taylor, G; Liu, J
2023Building security and resource optimisation techniques into dynamic Internet of Things (IoT) design processesDatiri, Dorcas Dachollom
15-Jun-2022Camp Location Selection in Humanitarian Logistics: A Multiobjective Simulation Optimization ApproachXue, Y; Li, M; Arabnejad, H; Suleimenova, D; Jahani, A; C. Geiger, B; Wang, Z; Liu, X; Groen, D
15-Dec-2021CEModule: A Computation Efficient Module for Lightweight Convolutional Neural NetworksLiang, Y; Li, M; Jiang, C; Liu, G
2008A classification of emerging and traditional grid systemsKurdi, H; Li, M; Al-Raweshidy, H
23-Mar-2018CLOTHO: A Large-Scale Internet of Things based Crowd Evacuation Planning System for Disaster ManagementXu, X; Zhang, L; Sotiriadis, S; Asimakopoulou, E; Li, M; Bessis, N
12-May-2021CloudSimHypervisor: Modelling and Simulating Network Slicing in Software-Defined Cloud NetworksNyanteh, AO; Li, M; Abbod, MF; Al-Raweshidy, H
2021Cognitive virtual ad hoc mobile cloud-based networking architectureAl Saeed, Laith Adeeb Taha
2021Cognitive-Aware Network Virtualization Hypervisor for Efficient Resource Provisioning in Software Defined Cloud NetworksNyanteh, Andrews Offei
3-Jun-2019Combining LSTM and DenseNet for Automatic Annotation and Classification of Chest X-Ray ImagesYan, F; Huang, X; Yao, Y; Lu, M; Li, M
2011Computing resources sensitive parallelization of neural neworks for large scale diabetes data modelling, diagnosis and predictionQi, Hao
2016Continuous Pain Related Behavior Recognition from Muscle Activity and Body MovementsQin, R; Meng, H; Li, M
18-Oct-2016A CRISPR Dropout Screen Identifies Genetic Vulnerabilities and Therapeutic Targets in Acute Myeloid LeukemiaTzelepis, K; Koike-Yusa, H; De Braekeleer, E; Li, Y; Metzakopian, E; Dovey, OM; Mupo, A; Grinkevich, V; Li, M; Mazan, M; Gozdecka, M; Ohnishi, S; Cooper, J; Patel, M; McKerrell, T; Chen, B; Domingues, AF; Gallipoli, P; Teichmann, S; Ponstingl, H; McDermott, U; Saez-Rodriguez, J; Huntly, BJP; Iorio, F; Pina, C; Vassiliou, GS; Yusa, K
16-Jun-2024DAGCN: Distance-based and Aspect-oriented Graph Convolutional Network for Aspect-based Sentiment AnalysisWang, Z; Zhang, B; Yang, R; Guo, C; Li, M
13-Apr-2021A Data Driven Approach to Robust Event Detection in Smart Grids Based on Random Matrix Theory and Kalman FilteringHan, F; Ashton, P; Li, M; Pisica, I; Taylor, G; Rawn, B; Ding, Y