Browsing by Author Jouhara, H

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 169  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
7-Nov-2017Acid emissions monitoring needs in ceramic tile industry: Challenges derived from new policy trendsCelades, I; Gomar, S; Romero, F; Chauhan, A; Delpech, B; Jouhara, H
9-Jan-2023Advanced Heat Exchangers for Waste Heat Recovery ApplicationsJouhara, H
2020Advances and applications of renewable energyJouhara, H; Montorsi, L; Sayegh, MA
2020Advances in Applications of Solar Photovoltaics and Thermal Technologies EnergyAhmad, L; Khordehgah, N; Malinauskaite, J; Jouhara, H
2020The Aluminium Industry: A Review on State-of-the-Art Technologies, Environmental Impacts and Possibilities for Waste Heat RecoveryDaniel, B; Jouhara, H
2013Analysis and simulation of continuous food frying processesWu, H; Tassou, SA; Karayiannis, TG; Jouhara, H
25-May-2022Analysis of energy demand in a residential building using TRNSYSRashad, M; Żabnieńska-Góra, A; Norman, L; Jouhara, H
2010Analysis of energy use in crisp frying processesWu, H; Jouhara, H; Tassou, SA; Karayiannis, TG
Mar-2021Analytical Modelling of a Photovoltaics-Thermal Technology Combined with Thermal and Electrical Storage SystemsKhordehgah, N; Żabnieńska-Góra, A; Jouhara, H
29-Oct-2020Annual performance analysis of the PV/T system for the heat demand of a low-energy single-family buildingŻabnieńska-Góra, A; Khordehgah, N; Jouhara, H
2018Applications and Thermal Management of Rechargeable Batteries for Industrial ApplicationsJouhara, H; Khordehgah, N; Serey, N; Almahmoud, S; Lester, S; Machen, D; Wrobel, L
6-May-2024An Assessment of Current Hydrogen Supply Chains in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)Olabi, V; Jouhara, H
2018Battery Temperature Management Using Heat Mat (Thermal Management System)Jouhara, H; Lester, S
2017CFD model of a lab scale cryogenic batch freezer with the investigation of varying effects on the heat transfer coefficientHerrmann, J; Trembley, J; Nannou, T; Jouhara, H
2015CFD modelling of a two-phase closed thermosyphon charged with R134a and R404aFadhl, B; Wrobel, LC; Jouhara, H
2-May-2024Co-hydrothermal carbonization as a potential method of utilising digested sludge and screenings from wastewater treatment plants towards energy applicationKossińska, N; Grosser, A; Kwapińska, M; Kwapiński, W; Ghazal, H; Krzyżyńska, R; Jouhara, H
2016Combined effects of gamma irradiation and blanching process on acrylamide content in fried potato stripsAbboudi, M; AL-Bachir, M; Koudsi, Y; Jouhara, H
24-Nov-2021Comparative assessment of innovative methods to improve solar chimney power plant efficiencyMehranfar, S; Gharehghani, A; Azizi, A; Mahmoudzadeh Andwari, A; Pesyridis, A; Jouhara, H
25-Sep-2021Comparative environmental life cycle assessment of conventional energy storage system and innovative thermal energy storage systemDavid, BR; Spencer, S; Miller, J; Almahmoud, S; Jouhara, H
18-Mar-2021Comprehensive numerical model for the analysis of potential heat recovery solutions in a ceramic industryVenturelli, M; Brough, D; Milani, M; Montorsi, L; Jouhara, H