Browsing by Author Hari Babu, N

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 58  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Analysis of melt-textured YBCO with nanoscale inclusionsKoblischka, MR; Winter, M; Hartmann, U; Koblischka-Veneva, A; Hari Babu, N; Cardwell, DA
2017Application of external fields to the development of aluminum-based nanocomposite and master alloysEskin, DG; Vadakke Madam, SK; Tamayo, J; Vorozhtsov, SA; Hari Babu, N; Vorozhtsov, AB
31-Oct-2017Artificial neural network and regression modelling to study the effect of reinforcement and deformation on volumetric wear of red mud nano particle reinforced aluminium matrix composites synthesized by stir castingSatyanarayana, G; Swami Naidu, G; Hari Babu, N
28-Jan-2015Assessment of the influence of Al-2Nb-2B master alloy on the grain refinement and properties of LM6 (A413) alloyBolzoni, L; Nowak, M; Hari Babu, N
28-Jan-2015Assessment of the influence of Al-2Nb-2B master alloy on the grain refinement and properties of LM6 (A413) alloyBolzoni, L; Nowak, M; Hari Babu, N
2007Bulk superconducting nano-composites with high critical currentsHari Babu, N; Iida, K; Briffa, A; Shi, Y; Cardwell, DA
2015Characterization of bulk MgB2 synthesized by infiltration and growthBhagurkar, AG; Hari Babu, N; Dennis, AR; Durrell, JH; Cardwell, DA
2010Characterization of nano-composite M-2411/Y-123 thin films by electron backscatter diffraction and in-field critical current measurementsBodea, MA; Pedarnig, JD; Withnell, TD; Weber, HW; Cardwell, DA; Hari Babu, N; Koblischka-Veneva, A
25-Jan-2022Comparative analysis of structure and properties of Nb-B inoculated direct chill cast AA4032 alloy extruded from as-cast and homogenised conditionsBarekar, NS; Skalicky, I; Wang, S; Shurkin, P; Adole, O; Hari Babu, N; Jarrett, M
25-Apr-2017Considerations on the effect of solutal on the grain size of castings from superheated meltsBolzoni, L; Hari Babu, N
11-Mar-2015Development of Al–Nb–B master alloys using Nb and KBF4 PowdersNowak, M; Yeoh, WK; Bolzoni, L; Hari Babu, N
2015Development of New Oxide Based Master Alloys and their Grain Refinement Potency in Aluminium AlloysSreekumar, VM; Hari Babu, N; Eskin, DG; Fan, Z
2006EBSD characterisation of Y2Ba4CuUOx phase in melttextured YBCO with addition of depleted uranium oxideKoblischka-Veneva, A; Mücklich, F; Koblischka, MR; Hari Babu, N; Cardwell, DA
2014Effect of casting temperature on grain size of Al-Si alloys refined by a novel grain refinerBolzoni, L; Nowak, M; Hari Babu, N
11-Apr-2015The effect of Nb-B inoculation on binary hypereutectic and near-eutectic LM13 Al-Si cast alloysNowak, M; Bolzoni, L; Hari Babu, N
7-Dec-2018Efficacy of borides in grain refining Al-Si alloysBozoni, L; Hari Babu, N
2008Enhanced self-field critical current density of nano-composite YBa(2)Cu(3)O(7) thin films grown by pulsed-laser depositionSiraj, K; Pedarnig, JD; Moser, A; Bäuerle, D; Hari Babu, N; Cardwell, DA
2008Fabrication of metal matrix composites under intensive shearingHari Babu, N; Tzamtzis, S; Barekar, NS; Patel, JB; Fan, Z
6-Sep-2014Grain refinement of Al-Si alloys by Nb-B inoculation. Part I: concept development and effect on binary alloysNowak, M; Bolzoni, L; Hari Babu, N
6-Sep-2014Grain refinement of Al-Si alloys by Nb-B inoculation. Part I: concept development and effect on binary alloysNowak, M; Bolzoni, L; Hari Babu, N