Browsing by Author Groen, D

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 65  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014[AAM REQ FINAL AUTHOR VERSION LKR 01/06/2018] Computer simulations reveal complex distribution of haemodynamic forces in a mouse retina model of angiogenesisBernabeu, MO; Jones, ML; Nielsen, JH; Krüger, T; Nash, RW; Groen, D; Schmieschek, S; Hetherington, J; Gerhardt, H; Franco, CA; Coveney, PV
15-Jun-2022An Agent-Based Forced Displacement Simulation: A Case Study of the Tigray CrisisSuleimenova, D; Low, W; Groen, D
15-Jun-2020An agent-based simulation of the spread of dengue feverMahmood, I; Jahan, M; Groen, D; Javed, A; Shafait, F
26-Mar-2024Analysing the effect of a dynamic physical environment network on the travel dynamics of forcibly displaced persons in MaliBoesjes, F; Jahani, A; Ooink , B; Groen, D
2015An automated multiscale ensemble simulation approach for vascular blood flowItani, MA; Schiller, UD; Schmieschek, S; Hetherington, J; Bernabeu, MO; Chandrashekar, H; Robertson, F; Coveney, PV; Groen, D
15-Jun-2020Building Confidence in Simulation: Applications of EasyVVUQWright, DW; Richardson, RA; Edeling, W; Lakhlili, J; Sinclair, RC; Jancauskas, V; Suleimenova, D; Bosak, B; Kulczewski, M; Piontek, T; Kopta, P; Chirca, I; Arabnejad, H; Luk, OO; Hoenen, O; Węglarz, J; Crommelin, D; Groen, D; Coveney, PV
29-Aug-2022CALMS: Modelling the long-term health and economic impact of Covid-19 using agent-based simulationMintram, K; Anagnostou, A; Anokye, N; Okine, E; Groen, D; Saha, A; Abubakar, N; Islam, T; Daroge, H; Ghorbani, M; Xue, Y; Taylor, SJE
15-Jun-2022Camp Location Selection in Humanitarian Logistics: A Multiobjective Simulation Optimization ApproachXue, Y; Li, M; Arabnejad, H; Suleimenova, D; Jahani, A; C. Geiger, B; Wang, Z; Liu, X; Groen, D
2015Chemically specifi C multiscale modeling of clay-polymer nanocomposites reveals intercalation dynamics, tactoid self-assembly and emergent materials propertiesSuter, JL; Groen, D; Coveney, PV
16-Oct-2012Coalesced communication: a design pattern for complex parallel scientific softwareCarver, HB; Groen, D; Hetherington, J; Nash, RW; Bernabeu, MO; Coveney, PV
2-Nov-2017Community effort endorsing multiscale modelling, multiscale data science and multiscale computing for systems medicineZanin, M; Chorbev, I; Stres, B; Stalidzans, E; Vera, J; Tieri, P; Castiglione, F; Groen, D; Zheng, H; Baumbach, J; Schmid, JA; Basilio, J; Klimek, P; Debeljak, N; Rozman, D; Schmidt, HHHW
28-Jun-2024A Conceptual Approach to Agent-Based Modelling of Coping Mechanisms in Climate-Driven Flooding in BangladeshHarbach, LM; Groen, D; Jahani, A; Suleimenova, D; Ghorbani, M; Xue, Y
8-Jun-2019A coupled food security and refugee movement model for the south Sudan conflictCampos, CV; Suleimenova, D; Groen, D
2015Cutting edge: Science hackathons for developing interdisciplinary research and collaborationsGroen, D; Calderhead, B
26-Jun-2023Developing an Agent-Based Simulation Model to Forecast Flood-Induced Evacuation and Internally Displaced PersonsJahani, A; Jess, S; Groen, D; Suleimenova, D; Xue, Y
2014Distributed multiscale computing with MUSCLE 2, the Multiscale Coupling Library and EnvironmentBorgdorff, J; Mamonski, M; Bosak, B; Kurowski, K; Ben Belgacem, M; Chopard, B; Groen, D; Coveney, PV; Hoekstra, AG
24-Nov-2022FabSim3: An automation toolkit for verified simulations using high performance computingGroen, D; Arabnejad, H; Suleimenova, D; Edeling, W; Raffin, E; Xue, Y; Bronik, K; Monnier, N; Coveney, P
2016FabSim: Facilitating computational research through automation on large-scale and distributed e-infrastructuresGroen, D; Bhati, AP; Suter, J; Hetherington, J; Zasada, SJ; Coveney, PV
22-Jul-2023Facilitating simulation development for global challenge response and anticipation in a timely wayGroen, D; Suleimenova, D; Jahani, A; Xue, Y
11-Dec-2022FACS-CHARM: A Hybrid Agent-Based and Discrete-Event Simulation Approach for Covid-19 Management at Regional LevelAnagnostou, A; Groen, D; Taylor, SJE; Suleimenova, D; Abubakar, N; Saha, A; Mintram, K; Ghorbani, M; Daroge, H; Islam, T; Xue, Y; Okine, E; Anokye, N