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Showing results 1 to 20 of 40  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
19-Jul-20233D Motion Analysis for the Assessment of Dynamic Coupling in Transtibial Prosthetics: A Proof of ConceptCullen, S; Mackay, R; Mohagheghi, A; Du, X
18-Aug-2021A Capacitive Cochlear Implant Electrode Array Sensing System to Discriminate Fold-Over PatternHou, L; Du, X; Boulgouris, NV; Hafeez, N; Coulson, C; Irving, R; Begg, P; Brett, P
2013Comparison on intracochlear disturbances between drilling a manual and robotic cochleostomyAssadi, MZ; Du, X; Dalton, J; Henshaw, S; Coulson, CJ; Reid, AP; Proops, DW; Brett, PN
2024Development and characterisation of a hybrid mock circulatory loop with baroreceptor responseCappon, Femke
28-Feb-2022Development of an Optical Shape Sensing Method using Optoelectronic Sensors for Soft Flexible Robotic Manipulators in MISOsman, D; Du, X; Li, W; Noh, Y
16-Oct-2021Electrical Impedance Guides Electrode Array in Cochlear Implantation using Machine Learning and Robotic FeederHafeez, N; Du, X; Boulgouris, N; Begg, P; Irving, R; Coulson, C; Tourrel, G
2019The feasibility of a novel sensing system for robotic cochlear electrode array feed for hearing preservationHou, Lei
7-Jul-2014Feasibility study of a hand guided robotic drill for cochleostomyBrett, P; Du, X; Zoka-Assadi, M; Coulson, C; Reid, A; Proops, D
2018A hand-guided robotic drill for cochleostomy on human cadaversDu, X; Brett, PN; Zhang, Y; Begg, P; Mitchell-Innes, A; Coulson, C; Irving, R
2022Innovative techniques for atraumatic and precise electrode array insertion in cochlear implantationHafeez, Nauman
2018Investigation of cochlear disturbance induced during surgical interventionZhang, Yu
18-Dec-2023Low-Cost Smartphone Photogrammetry Accurately Digitises Positive Socket and Limb CastsCullen, S; Mackay, R; Mohagheghi, A; Du, X
2014Mechatronic feasibility of minimally invasive, atraumatic cochleostomyWilliamson, T; Du, X; Bell, B; Coulson, C; Caversaccio, M; Proops, D; Brett, P; Weber, S
24-Apr-2022Miniature Optical Joint Measurement Sensor for Robotic Application Using Curvature Based Reflecting SurfacesOsman, D; Li, W; Du, X; Minton, T; Noh, Y
28-Sep-2021Mock Circulatory Loops Used For Testing Cardiac Assist Devices: A Review Of Computational And Experimental ModelsCappon, F; Wu, T; Papaioannou, T; Du, X; Hsu, P-L; Khir, AW
20-Sep-2021Multi-modality and multi-scale attention fusion network for land cover classification from vhr remote sensing imagesLei, T; Li, L; Lv, Z; Zhu, M; Du, X; Nandi, AK
14-May-2020Noise Exposure on Human Cochlea During Cochleostomy Formation Using Conventional and a Hand Guided Robotic DrillDu, X; Zhang, Y; Boulgouris, N; Brett, PN; Mitchell-Innes, A; Coulson, C; Irving, R; Begg, P
1-Jun-2021A Novel Capacitive Cochlear Implant Electrode Array Sensing System to Discriminate Failure PatternsHou, L; Du, X; Boulgouris, N; Hafeez, N; Coulson, C; Irving, R; Begg, C; Brett, P
29-Dec-2020An Optical Joint Angle Measurement Sensor based on an Optoelectronic Sensor for Robot ManipulatorsOsman, D; Du, X; Li, W; Noh, Y
27-Sep-2022Prototype of Optoelectronic Joint Sensor Using Curvature Based Reflector for Body Shape SensingOsman, D; Li, W; Du, X; Minton, T; Noh, Y