Browsing by Author Dou, K

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12-Oct-2024The Evolution of Dilatant Shear Bands in High-Pressure Die Casting for Al-Si AlloysLu, J; Lordan, E; Zhang, Y; Fan, Z; Wang, W; Dou, K
23-Sep-2022High-Pressure Die Casting: A Review of Progress from the EPSRC Future LiME HubLordan, E; Zhang, Y; Dou, K; Jacot, A; Tzileroglou, C; Wang, S; Wang, Y; Patel, J; Lazaro-Nebreda, J; Zhou, X; Hashimoto, T; Fan, Z
15-May-2020Hot deformation behavior and constitutive modelling of low carbon micro-alloyed steel YQ450NQR1 during isothermal compressionDou, K; Liu, Q
2019Mechanism of Hot Ductility Loss and Recovery for Medium Carbon Steel with Boron and Titanium AdditionsDou, K; QING, LIU
18-May-2020A New Cooling Strategy in Curved Continuous Casting Process of Vanadium Micro-alloyed YQ450NQR1 Steel Bloom Combining Experimental and Modeling ApproachDou, K; Liu, Q
1-Jul-2019Numerical simulation of fluid flow, solidification and defects in high pressure die casting (HPDC) processDou, K; Lordan, E; Zhang, Y; Jacot, A; Fan, Z
4-May-2021On the probabilistic nature of high-pressure die castingLordan, E; Zhang, Y; Dou, K; Jacot, A; Tzileroglou, C; Blake, P; Fan, Z
14-Feb-2020On the relationship between internal porosity and the tensile ductility of aluminium alloy die-castingsLordan, E; Lazaro-Nebreda, J; Zhang, Y; Dou, K; Blake, P; Fan, Z
4-Jul-2018Strengthening die-cast Al-Mg and Al-Mg-Mn alloys with Fe as a beneficial elementZhu, X; Blake, P; Dou, K; Ji, S
10-May-2021Turbulent breakup of non-metallic inclusions and equiaxed crystals during solidification of a hypoeutectic Al-Si alloyLordan, E; Zhang, Y; Dou, K; Tzileroglou, C; Jacot, A; Blake, P; Fan, Z
2-Jun-2022Understanding the Initial Solidification Behavior for Al–Si Alloy in Cold Chamber High-Pressure Die Casting (CC-HPDC) Process Combining Experimental and Modeling ApproachDou, K; Zhang, Y; Lordan, E; Jacot, A; Fan, Z