Browsing by Author Anokye, N

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 58  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Adding web-based behavioural support to exercise referral schemes for inactive adults with chronic health conditions: the e-coachER RCTTaylor, AH; Taylor, RS; Ingram, WM; Anokye, N; Dean, S; Jolly, K; Mutrie, N; Lambert, J; Yardley, L; Greaves, C; King, J; McAdam, C; Steele, M; Price, L; Streeter, A; Charles, N; Terry, R; Webb, D; Campbell, J; Hughes, L; Ainsworth, B; Jones, B; Jane, B; Erwin, J; Little, P; Woolf, A; Cavanagh, C
2017Association Between Costs Related to Productivity Loss and Modified Risk Factors Among Users of the Brazilian National Health SystemAraujo, MYC; Sarti, FM; Fernandes, RA; Monteiro, HL; Turi, BC; Anokye, N; Codogno, JS
29-Aug-2022CALMS: Modelling the long-term health and economic impact of Covid-19 using agent-based simulationMintram, K; Anagnostou, A; Anokye, N; Okine, E; Groen, D; Saha, A; Abubakar, N; Islam, T; Daroge, H; Ghorbani, M; Xue, Y; Taylor, SJE
15-Nov-2017Changing physical activity behaviour for people with multiple sclerosis: protocol of a randomised controlled feasibility trial (iStep-MS)Ryan, J; Fortune, J; Stennett, A; Kilbride, C; Anokye, N; Victor, C; Hendrie, W; Abdul, M; De Souza, L; Lavelle, G; Brewin, D; David, L; Norris, M
2011The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of exercise referral schemes: A systematic review and economic evaluationPavey, TG; Anokye, N; Taylor, AH; Trueman, P; Moxham, T; Fox, KR; Hillsdon, M; Green, C; Campbell, JL; Foster, C; Mutrie, N; Searle, J; Taylor, RS
30-Sep-2021Co-Benefits of Physical Activity in LMICAnokye, N; Ramirez, A; Salvo, D; Mukherjee, P
2019Community sport and the politics of ageing: co-design and partnership approaches to understanding the embodied experiences of low-income older people.Mansfield, L; Kay, T; Anokye, N; Fox-Rushby, J
10-Oct-2020Comparison of the CHU-9D and the EQ-5D-Y instruments in children and young people with cerebral palsy: a cross-sectional studyRyan, J; McKay, E; Anokye, N; Noorkoiv, M; Theis, N; Lavelle, G
23-Aug-2019Cost-effectiveness of offering an area-level financial incentive on breast feeding: a within-cluster randomised controlled trial analysisAnokye, N; Coyle, K; Relton, C; Walters, S; Strong, M; Fox-Rushby, J
2023Covid-19 outbreak in Ghana: Exploring the determinants, policy responses and long-term consequencesCrankson, Shirley
2024Determinants of health-seeking behaviour among internal migrants in Ghana: A study of the North South migrationAmponsah, Collins Broni
13-Apr-2022Determinants of Physical Activity and Dietary Habits among Adults in Ghana: A Cross-Sectional StudyAgyemang, K; Banstola, A; Pokhrel, S; Anokye, N
-Developing a Science Gateway for Physical Activity Lifelong Modelling & SimulationAnagnostou, A; Anokye, N; Taylor, S; Barbera, R
2-May-2024The economic burden of multimorbidity: Protocol for a systematic reviewBanstola, A; Anokye, N; Pokhrel, S
28-Feb-2023Economic evaluations of interventional opportunities for the management of mental–physical multimorbidity: a systematic reviewBanstola, A; Pokhrel, S; Hayhoe, B; Nicholls, D; Harris, M; Anokye, N
15-Jan-2021Economics of physical activity in low-income and middle- income countries: a systematic reviewRanasinghe, P; Pokhrel, S; Anokye, N
2017Effect of a primary care walking intervention with and without nurse support on physical activity levels in 45- to 75-year-olds: The pedometer and consultation evaluation (PACE-UP) cluster randomised clinical trialHarris, T; Kerry, SM; Limb, ES; Victor, CR; Iliffe, S; Ussher, M; Whincup, PH; Ekelund, U; Fox-Rushby, J; Furness, C; Anokye, N; Ibison, J; DeWilde, S; David, L; Howard, E; Dale, R; Smith, J; Cook, DG
11-Dec-2018Effect of financial incentives on breastfeeding a cluster randomized clinical trialRelton, C; Strong, M; Thomas, KJ; Whelan, B; Walters, SJ; Burrows, J; Scott, E; Viksveen, P; Johnson, M; Baston, H; Fox-Rushby, J; Anokye, N; Umney, D; Renfrew, MJ
1-Jul-2020The effect of RaceRunning on cardiometabolic disease risk factors and functional mobility in young people with moderate-to-severe cerebral palsy: protocol for a feasibility studyRyan, J; Theis, N; Koufaki, P; Phillips, S; Anokye, N; Andreopoulou, G; Kennedy, F; Jagadamma, K; van Schie, P; Dines, H; van der Linden, M
19-Dec-2018The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a complex community sport intervention to increase physical activity: An interrupted time series designAnokye, N; Mansfield, L; Kay, T; Sanghera, S; Lewin, A; Fox-Rushby, J