Browsing by Author Abubakar, N
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
29-Aug-2022 | CALMS: Modelling the long-term health and economic impact of Covid-19 using agent-based simulation | Mintram, K; Anagnostou, A; Anokye, N; Okine, E; Groen, D; Saha, A; Abubakar, N; Islam, T; Daroge, H; Ghorbani, M; Xue, Y; Taylor, SJE |
11-Dec-2022 | FACS-CHARM: A Hybrid Agent-Based and Discrete-Event Simulation Approach for Covid-19 Management at Regional Level | Anagnostou, A; Groen, D; Taylor, SJE; Suleimenova, D; Abubakar, N; Saha, A; Mintram, K; Ghorbani, M; Daroge, H; Islam, T; Xue, Y; Okine, E; Anokye, N |
13-Dec-2020 | Innovations in Simulation: Experiences with Cloud-based Simulation Experimentation | Taylor, SJE; Anagnostou, A; Abubakar, N; Kiss, T; DesLauriers, J; Terstyanszky, G; Kacsuk, P; Kovacs, J; Kite, S; Pattison, G; Petry, J |
15-Dec-2024 | Simulation Exploration Experience (SEE) Introductory Tutorial | Ghorbani, M; Anagnostou, A; Abubakar, N; Aatreya, H; Curry, D; Taylor, SJE |