Browsing by Author Zhang, D

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Showing results 21 to 23 of 23 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
23-May-2022Time-Dependent Fragility Functions for Circular Tunnels in Soft SoilsHuang, Z; Argyroudis, S; Zhang, D; Pitilakis, K; Huang, H; Zhang, D
31-Aug-2023Total and Minimum Energy Efficiency Tradeoff in Robust Multigroup Multicast Satellite CommunicationsJiang, B; Yan, Y; Zhao, J; Xiao, X; You, L; Zhang, D; Lei, J; Wang, K; Wang, W; Gao, X
24-Oct-2021User design as a double-edged sword: Exploring perceived self-improvement and uncertainty in purchasing utilitarian productsChen, C; Zhang, D; Lu, K; Wang, CL