Browsing by Author Wu, T

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Showing results 5 to 7 of 7 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
25-Apr-2024Numerical Simulation Study on the Drag Reduction Characteristics of Grooves-Microbubbles Coupling SurfacesLi, T; Yang, T; Dong, Q; Sun, X; Wu, T; Xu, Z
24-Sep-2022Optimal Design Method for Static Precision of Heavy-Duty Vertical Machining Center Based on Gravity Deformation Error ModellingWang, H; Li, T; Sun, X; Mynors, D; Wu, T
10-Feb-2020A review of implantable pulsatile blood pumps: engineering perspectivesWu, T; Khir, A; Kutting, M; Du, X; Lin, H; Zhu, Y; Hsu, P-L