Browsing by Author Watts, M

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Showing results 32 to 45 of 45 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Self-efficacy and collective efficacy beliefs of teachers of pupils with autism in the UKDimopoulou, Evangelia
2019Social mobility in the slipstream: first-generation students’ narratives of university participation and familyWainwright, E; Watts, M
15-Sep-2023‘STEAM success stories’: refocusing the framework of intersectionalitySalehjee, S; Watts, M
15-Dec-2020Supporting beginning teachers in embedding scientific literacyWatts, M; Salehjee, S
15-Dec-2020Supporting beginning teachers to cope with contingenciesWatts, M
4-Sep-2023Teachers’ Readiness to Adopt Smartphone-Based Teaching Methods: Evidence from ChinaLuo, Y; Watts, M
2017Teaching and learning physics using technology: Making a case for the affective domainRamma, Y; Bholoa, A; Watts, M; Nadal, PS
23-Jul-2020Theorising Academic Career 'Success'Hoskins, K
1-Nov-2018A University Learning and Teaching Unit: Work in PracticeDenney, F
24-Jun-2016University teachers’ self-reflection on their academic growthPedrosa-de-Jesus, H; Guerra, C; Watts, M
2022The use of mobile phones in improving continuous professional development among teachers in IndonesiaAdning, Mohamad
2022Using mobile learning in blended learning environments in higher education: perceptions and acceptance among students and lecturers at Qassim university, Saudi ArabiaAlsidrah, Hanan
9-Jan-2014‘We're just like Gok, but in reverse’: Ana Girls – empowerment and resistance in digital communitiesCrowe, N; Watts, M
27-Mar-2014Young people learning through play: Some observations from a science museumKanhadilok, P; Watts, M