Browsing by Author Watts, M

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Showing results 4 to 23 of 45 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Can PRUs work? A search for an answer from within a lived experienceDodman, Hilary Frances
2020Developing a Theoretical FrameworkWatts, M
2023A diagnostic approach to STEM-based learning of ratio and proportionTiflis, Özdemir
2023E-EFL in the Saudi tertiary classroom: Exploring teachers’ perceptions of digital technology use for e-learning and learners’ self-efficacy to undertake heutagogical learningAlnofaie, Sahar Fahad
2022E-learning influence in developing future employment skills for undergraduates in OmanMohammed Al-Farsi, Monia
2020Early STEM Education: practice and prospectsBilton, H; Watts, M
2016Effects of collaborative learning on the achievement of students with different learning styles at Qatar UniversityAl-kaabi, Aisha Fadl
1-May-2022Exploration of university students’ lived experiences of using smartphones for English language learningLuo, Y; Watts, M
2023Exploring family flow learning: A study of experience and learning outcomes in a science museum makerspace, ThailandPonrueng, Sucharit
13-Feb-2021Friedrich Froebel: interpolation, extrapolationWatts, M
9-Oct-2024In-service Physics teachers’ content knowledge: A critical reflection on the case of the Upthrust conceptRamma, Y; Bholoa, A; Watts, M
13-May-2021The initial training of science teachers in African countries: a systematic literature reviewSoares, D; Lopes, B; Abrantes, I; Watts, M
2-Mar-2015Institute And Learner Readiness For E-Learning In The MaldivesThaufeega, F; Crowe, N; Watts, M
2-Mar-2015Institute and learner readiness for e-learning in the MaldivesThaufeega, F; Crowe, N; Watts, M
2016Institutional and learner readiness for eLearning in the MaldivesThaufeega, Fathimath
27-May-2022Intersectionality as personal: the science identity of two young immigrant Muslim womenSalehjee, S; Watts, M
2022An investigation of the lived experience of university students and teachers with English language learning and teaching mediated by mobile technologyLuo, Yujuan
9-Oct-2024‘It hooks them in, it’s straight in there’: leveraging game culture for learning in the Key Stage 2 science curriculumHoskins, K; Lebbakhar, A; Watts, M
14-Sep-2023Leveraging Students’ Game Culture in Education: Validating the benefits of utilising videogames to inform pedagogyHoskins, K; Lebbakhar, A; Watts, M; Asfahani, T; Winson-Longley, C
2022The lived experiences of undergraduate British-Muslim students in relation to their faith obligations and studies in Higher EducationRajput, Asgar Halim