Browsing by Author Usman, M

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Showing results 3 to 8 of 8 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
5-Nov-2018Expanders for Organic Rankine Cycle TechnologyAlshammari, F; Usman, M; Pesyridis, A
17-Aug-2020Experimental analysis of a micro-scale organic Rankine cycle system retrofitted to operate in grid-connected modeUsman, M; Imran, M; Haglind, F; Pesyridis, A; Park, B-S
27-Apr-2023Influence of variations of flue gas and ambient temperature on the dynamics and performance of a MW scale supercritical CO2 waste heat to power unitOlumayegun, O; Marchionni, M; Usman, M; Tassou, SA
26-Dec-2022Inventory control assessment for small scale sCO2 heat to power conversion systemsMarchionni, M; Usman, M; Chai, L; Tassou, SA
2019A Linear free piston gas expander performance in organic Rankine cycle based waste heat recovery applicationUsman, M; Pesyridis, A; Howard, T; Cockerill, S
30-Mar-2021Numerical investigation of a simple regenerative heat to power system with coupled or independent turbomachinery drivesMarchionni, M; Bianchi, G; Usman, M; Pesyridis, A; Tassou, SA