Browsing by Author Tucker, A

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Showing results 96 to 108 of 108 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
22-May-2021Uncertainty Estimation in SARS-CoV-2 B-Cell Epitope Prediction for Vaccine DevelopmentGhoshal, B; Ghoshal, B; Swift, S; Tucker, A
2014Unique networks: a method to identity disease-specific regulatory networks from microarray dataBo, Valeria
2017Updating markov models to integrate cross-sectional and longitudinal studiesTucker, A; Li, Y; Garway-Heath, D
2015Updating stochastic networks to integrate cross-sectional and longitudinal studiesTucker, A; Li, Y
2023A user-centric exploration of transparency, explanations, and trust in multi-model and single-model decision support systemsElahi, Md Monjur
2020Using Bayesian Networks to investigate the influence of Arctic Amplification on midlatitude North Atlantic circulationHarwood, N; Tucker, A; Hall, R; Di Capua, G; Russell, A
24-Feb-2021Using Bayesian networks to investigate the influence of subseasonal arctic variability on midlatitude North Atlantic circulationHarwood, N; Hall, R; Di Capu, G; Russell, A; Tucker, A
2020Using Bayesian Networks to Investigate the Role of Arctic Variability in Midlatitude CirculationHarwood, Nathanael
2014Using Heuristic Search with Pedestrian Simulation Statistics to Find Feasible Spatial Layout Design ElementsHassan, FH; Swift, S; Tucker, A
17-Apr-2020Using the Lexicon from Source Code to Determine Application DomainsCapiluppi, A; Ajienka, N; Ali, N; Arzoky, M; Counsell, S; Destefanis, G; Miron, A; Nagaria, B; Neykova, R; Shepperd, M; Swift, S; Tucker, A
15-Jul-2020Using topological data analysis and pseudo time series to infer temporal phenotypes from electronic health recordsDagliati, A; Geifman, N; Peek, N; Holmes, JH; Sacchi, L; Bellazzi, R; Sajjadi, SE; Tucker, A
2001Variable grouping in multivariate time series via correlationTucker, A; Swift, S; Liu, X
2022When the machine does not know measuring uncertainty in deep learning models of medical imagesGhoshal, Biraja Prasad