Browsing by Author Taylor, SJE

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Showing results 52 to 71 of 72 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Modelling very large complex systems using distributed simulation: A pilot study in a healthcare settingBrailsford, S; Katsaliaki, K; Mustafee, N; Taylor, SJE
2008Ontology engineering for simulation component reuseBell, D; Mustafee, N; de Cesare, S; Lycett, M; Taylor, SJE; Fishwick, PA
2005Panel on future challenges in modeling methodologyTaylor, SJE; Lendermann, P; Paul, RJ; Reichenthal, SW; Strassburger, S; Turner, SJ
9-Apr-2019Reported needs of information resources, research tools, connectivity and infrastructure among African Pharmacological Scientists to improve future patient care and health.Ogunleye, OO; Fadare, JO; Eriksen, J; Oaiya, O; Massele, A; Truter, I; Taylor, SJE; Godman, B; Gustafsson, LL
2012Security server-based architecture for mobile ad hoc networksDarwish, S; Taylor, SJE; Ghinea, G
2010Semantic web services for simulation component reuse and interoperability: An ontology approachTaylor, SJE; Bell, D; Mustafee, N; de Cesare, S; Lycett, M; Fishwick, PA
7-Dec-2017Simplifying the Development of HLA-based Distributed Simulations with the HLA Development Kit Software Framework (DKF)Falcone, A; Garro, A; Taylor, SJE; Anagnostou, A
15-Dec-2024Simulation Exploration Experience (SEE) Introductory TutorialGhorbani, M; Anagnostou, A; Abubakar, N; Aatreya, H; Curry, D; Taylor, SJE
2009Simulation modelling is 50! Do we need a reality check?Taylor, SJE; Eldabi, T; Riley, G; Paul, RJ; Pidd, M
2009Speeding up decision support: Investigating the distributed simulation of a healthcare supply chainMustafee, N; Taylor, SJE; Katsaliaki, K; Brailsford, S
2009Speeding up simulation applications using WinGridMustafee, N; Taylor, SJE
17-May-2022STAMINA: Bioinformatics Platform for Monitoring and Mitigating Pandemic OutbreaksBakalos, N; Kaselimi, M; Doulamis, N; Doulamis, A; Kalogeras, D; Bimpas, M; Davradou, A; Vlachostergiou, A; Fotopoulos, A; Plakia, M; Karalis, A; Tsekeridou, S; Anagnostopoulos, T; Despotopoulou, AM; Bonavita, I; Petersen, K; Pelepes, L; Voumvourakis, L; Anagnostou, A; Groen, D; Mintram, K; Saha, A; Taylor, SJE; Ham, CVD; Kaleta, P; Ignjatović, D; Rossi, L
2018Strengthening the reporting of empirical simulation studies: Introducing the STRESS guidelinesMonks, T; Currie, CSM; Onggo, BS; Robinson, S; Kunc, M; Taylor, SJE
15-Dec-2024Supply Chain Resilience Optimization with Agent-Based Modeling (SCROAM): A Novel Hybrid FrameworkAnagnostou, A; Mintram, K; Taylor, SJE
2003Time management issues in COTS distributed simulation: A case studyTaylor, SJE; Sharpe, J; Ladbrook, J
8-Dec-2019Towards a Deadline-Based Simulation Experimentation Framework Using Micro-Services Auto-Scaling ApproachAnagnostou, A; Taylor, SJE; Abubakar, NT; Kiss, T; Deslauriers, J; Gesmier, G; Terstyanszky, G; Kacsuk, P; Kovacs, J
14-Dec-2020Towards a Generic Architecture from Symbiotic Simulation System-based Digital TwinNwogu, C; Taylor, SJE; Anagnostou, A
20-Feb-2020Towards Modelling the Effect of Evolving Violence on Forced MigrationGroen, D; Bell, D; Arabnejad, H; Suleimenova, D; Taylor, SJE; Anagnostou, A
2007Using CSPI distributed simulation standards for the analysis of a health supply chainMustafee, N; Taylor, SJE; Katsaliaki, K; Brailsford, S
4-Mar-2022A Workflow Architecture for Cloud-Based Distributed SimulationChaudhry, NR; Anagnostou, A; Taylor, SJE