Browsing by Author Taylor, SJE

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Showing results 21 to 40 of 72 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-Jul-2021Distributed Approaches to Supply Chain Simulation: A ReviewMustafee, N; Katsaliaki, K; Taylor, SJE
2002Distributed simulation and industry: Potentials and pitfallsTaylor, SJE; Bruzzone, A; Fujimoto, R; Gan, BP; Strassburger, S; Paul, RJ
2017A distributed simulation methodological framework for OR/MS applicationsAnagnostou, A; Taylor, SJE
2000Distributed supply chain simulation in GRIDSSudra, R; Taylor, SJE; Janahan, T
2013Economic modelling of diagnostic and treatment pathways in National Institute for Health and Care Excellence clinical guidelines: the Modelling Algorithm Pathways in Guidelines (MAPGuide) projectLord, J; Willis, S; Eatock, J; Tappenden, P; Trapero-Bertran, M; Miners, A; Crossan, C; Westby, M; Anagnostou, A; Taylor, SJE; Mavranezouli, I; Wonderling, D; Alderson, P; Ruiz, F
2018Enabling Cloud-based Computational Fluid Dynamics with a Platform-as-a-Service SolutionTaylor, SJE; Anagnostou, A; Kiss, T; Terstyanszky, G; Kacsuk, P; Fantini, N; Lakehal, D; Costes, J
10-Dec-2023Enhancing Digital Twins with Advances in Simulation and Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and ChallengesTaylor, SJE; MacAl, CM; Matta, A; Rabe, M; Sanchez, SM; Shao, G
1996Enhancing simulation education with intelligent tutoring systemsTaylor, SJE; Siemer, J
1995Estimating the benefit of the parallelisation of discrete event simulationTaylor, SJE; Fatin, A; Delaitre, T
2016Experiences in simplifying distributed simulation: The HLA development kit frameworkFalcone, A; Garro, A; Taylor, SJE; Anagnostou, A; Chaudhry, NR; Salah, O
2009Facilitating the analysis of a UK national blood service supply chain using distributed simulationMustafee, N; Taylor, SJE; Katsaliaki, K; Brailsford, S
11-Dec-2022FACS-CHARM: A Hybrid Agent-Based and Discrete-Event Simulation Approach for Covid-19 Management at Regional LevelAnagnostou, A; Groen, D; Taylor, SJE; Suleimenova, D; Abubakar, N; Saha, A; Mintram, K; Ghorbani, M; Daroge, H; Islam, T; Xue, Y; Okine, E; Anokye, N
26-Jun-2024Flee 3: Flexible agent-based simulation for forced migrationGhorbani, M; Suleimenova, D; Jahani, A; Saha, A; Xue, Y; Mintram, K; Anagnostou, A; Tas, A; Low, W; Taylor, SJE; Groen, D
2001Genisa: A web-based interactive learning environment for teaching simulation modellingAtolagbe, TA; Hlupic, V; Taylor, SJE
2007A grid computing framework for commercial simulation packagesMustafee, Navonil
2000Groupware and the simulation consultantTaylor, SJE
26-May-2019High Speed Simulation AnalyticsTaylor, SJE; Anagnostou, A; Kiss, T
2003HLA-CSPIF panel on commercial off-the-shelf distributed simulationTaylor, SJE; Strabburger, S; Gan, PB; Verbraeck, A
23-Aug-2024Hybrid Simulation in Healthcare ApplicationsAnagnostou, A; Taylor, SJE
2016The impact of big data on M&S: Do we need to get "big"?Taylor, SJE