Browsing by Author Priyadarshi, A

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Showing results 10 to 17 of 17 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Oct-2021Mechanisms of ultrasonic de-agglomeration of oxides through in-situ high-speed observations and acoustic measurementsPriyadarshi, A; Khavari, M; Subroto, T; Prentice, P; Pericleous, K; Eskin, D; Durodola, J; Tzanakis, I
28-Jan-2020Nanoindentation and Cavitation-Induced Fragmentation Study of Primary Al<inf>3</inf>Zr Intermetallics Formed in Al AlloysPriyadarshi, A; Subroto, T; Conte, M; Pericelous, K; Eskin, D; Prentice, P; Tzanakis, I
16-Feb-2024New insights into the mechanism of ultrasonic atomization for the production of metal powders in additive manufacturingPriyadarshi, A; Bin Shahrani, S; Choma, T; Zrodowski, L; Qin, L; Leung, CLA; Clark, SJ; Fezzaa, K; Mi, J; Lee, PD; Eskin, D; Tzanakis, I
23-Feb-2021New insights into the mechanisms of ultrasonic emulsification in the oil-water system and the role of gas bubblesWu, W; Eskin, D; Priyadarshi, A; Subroto, T; Tzanakis, I; Zhai, W
24-Jul-2020On the governing fragmentation mechanism of primary intermetallics by induced cavitationPriyadarshi, A; Khavari, M; Subroto, T; Conte, M; Prentice, P; Pericleous, K; Eskin, D; Durodola, J; Tzanakis, I
23-Jun-2021Scale Up Design Study on Process Vessel Dimensions for Ultrasonic Processing of Water and Liquid AluminiumKhavari, M; Priyadarshi, A; Subroto, T; Beckwith, C; Pericleous, K; Eskin, D; Tzanakis, I
2-Oct-2022Temperature as a key parameter for graphene sono-exfoliation in waterKaur, A; Morton, JA; Tyurnina, AV; Priyadarshi, A; Holland, A; Mi, J; Porfyrakis, K; Eskin, D; Tzanakis, I
5-Nov-2020Ultrasound induced fragmentation of primary Al3Zr crystalsPriyadarshi, A; Subroto, T; Conte, M; Prentice, P; Pericleous, K; Eskin, D; Durodola, J; Tzanakis, I