Browsing by Author Mousavi, A

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Showing results 59 to 71 of 71 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
26-Sep-2024The Safety Risks of AI-Driven Solutions in Autonomous Road VehiclesMirzarazi, F; Danishvar, S; Mousavi, A
2008Scheduling of non-repetitive lean manufacturing systems under uncertainty using intelligent agent simulationPapadopoulou, T C; Mousavi, A
12-Dec-2017Schema Theory-Based Data Engineering in Gene Expression Programming for Big Data AnalyticsHuang, Z; Li, M; Chousidis, C; Mousavi, A; Jiang, C
2008Service attribute importance and strategic planning: An empirical studyPezeshki, V; Mousavi, A
14-Jan-2019Simulation of Event-Based Technique for Harmonic FailuresFadzil, FZM; Mousavi, A; Danishvar, M
2014Synopsis of an engineering solution for a painful problem Phantom Limb PainMousavi, A; Cole, J; Kalganova, T; Stone, R; Zhang, J; Petiffer, S; Walker, P; Nikopoulou-Smyrni, P; Henderson Slater, D; Aggoun, A; Von Rump, S; Nalylor, S
2016Telemedicine systems deployment in the Kenyan healthcare system: a study of the role of organisation collaborationNyamu, Janerose
2009Three dimensional modelling of customer satisfaction, retention and loyalty for measuring quality of servicePezeshki, Vahid
5-Mar-2020Transformation tools enabling the implementation of nature-based solutions for creating a resourceful circular cityKatsou, E; Nika, C-E; Buehler, D; Marić, B; Megyesi, B; Mino, E; Almenar, JB; Bas, B; Bećírović, D; Bokal, S; Ðolic, M; Elginöz, N; Kalnis, G; Mateo, M-CG; Milousi, M; Mousavi, A; Rinčic, I; Rizzo, A; Rodriguez-Roda, I; Rugani, B; Šalaševičiene, A; Sari, R; Stanchev, P; Topuz, E; Atanasova, N
2008Using discrete event simulation (DES) to manage theatre operations in healthcare: An audit-based case studyKomashie, A; Mousavi, A; Gore, J
2009Voltage security evaluation based on perturbation methodRashidinejad, M; Mousavi, A
25-May-2020Vorausschauende Instandhaltung – Wenn der Digitale Schatten an Grenzen stößt: Harmonisierung datengetriebener und physikbasierter Modelle für die vorausschauende InstandhaltungWerner, A; Angadi, VC; Lentes, J; Mousavi, A
11-Aug-2022Waveguide quality inspection in quantum cascade lasers: A capsule neural network approachAbu Ebayyeh, AARM; Mousavi, A; Danishvar, S; Blaser, S; Gresch, T; Landry, O; Müller, A