Browsing by Author Mousavi, A

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Showing results 41 to 60 of 71 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Knowledge discovery and data mining to understand and optimise the environmental behavior of wastewater treatment processesVasilaki, Vasileia K.
29-Mar-2023Manufacturing quality assessment in the industry 4.0 era: a reviewMarkatos, NG; Mousavi, A
2021Measurement and assessment of circular economy in water systemsNika, Chrysanthi-Elisavet
2005Modeling emergency departments using discrete event simulation techniquesKomashie, A; Mousavi, A
2015Modelling and design of the eco-system of causality for real-time systemsDanishvar, Morad
2022Monitoring and prediction of high frequency trading in stock markets using deep reinforced learning, self-organising Machine Learning Framework and feature engineeringAlsaiari, Hanan Suliman
20-Aug-2020A PdM framework Through the Event-based Genomics of Machine BreakdownDanishvar, M; Angadi, VC; Mousavi, A
25-Oct-2022Printed Circuit Board Inspection: Fusion of Optical and X-ray Images (FOXi) for Electronic Components ClassificationStarodubov, D; Danishvar, S; Ott, R; Abu Ebayyeh, AARM; Cummings, N; Mousavi, A
31-Dec-2020Protocol-Based Tobit Kalman Filter under Integral Measurements and Probabilistic Sensor FailuresGeng, H; Wang, Z; Zou, L; Mousavi, A; Cheng, Y
2020Real-Time Event Based Predictive Modelling for Industrial Control and MonitoringFutra Zamsyah Bin, Md Fadzil
9-May-2022Real-Time Event-Driven Learning in Highly Volatile Systems: A case for embedded Machine Learning for SCADA systemsGonçalves, M; Sousa, P; Mendes, J; Danishvar, M; Mousavi, A
Jun-2020Regressive Event-Tracker: A Causal Prediction Modelling of Degradation in High Speed ManufacturingAngadi, V; Mousavi, A; Bartolome, D; Tellarini, M; Fazziani, M
3-Sep-2020Relaxed Rule-based Learning for Automated Predictive Maintenance: proof of conceptRazgon, M; Mousavi, A
26-Mar-2024Reliable Cost Prediction and Control for Intelligent Manufacture: A Key Performance Indicator PerspectiveGeng, H; Mousavi, A; Markatos, N; Chen, K; Gou, X
7-Feb-2024Revealing the Supply Chain 4.0 Potential within the European Automotive IndustryMilosavljevic, M; Mousavi, A; Moraca, S; Fajsi, A; Rostohar, D
6-Oct-2020A Review and Analysis of Automatic Optical Inspection and Quality Monitoring Methods in Electronics IndustryAbu Ebayyeh, AARM; Mousavi, A
2007A review of historical developments of quality assessment in industry and healthcareKomashie, A; Mousavi, A; Gore, J
2020Routing and Medium Access Control (MAC) in wireless sensor network for monitoring emergency applicationsAnhar, A.
26-Sep-2024The Safety Risks of AI-Driven Solutions in Autonomous Road VehiclesMirzarazi, F; Danishvar, S; Mousavi, A
2008Scheduling of non-repetitive lean manufacturing systems under uncertainty using intelligent agent simulationPapadopoulou, T C; Mousavi, A