Browsing by Author Mendis, C

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Showing results 3 to 13 of 13 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Development of novel heat-treatable magnesium alloys for low-pressure twin-roll castingAmin, Umar
26-Nov-2015The effect of iron re-deposition on the corrosion of impurity-containing magnesiumHöche, D; Blawert, C; Lamaka, SV; Scharnagl, N; Mendis, C; Zheludkevich, ML
19-Dec-2020Effects of native AlN particles on heterogeneous nucleation in an Al-3Fe AlloyQue, Z; Yipeng, Z; Yun, W; Mendis, C; Fan, Z
18-Oct-2022Effects of Si solution in θ-Al13Fe4 on phase transformation between Fe-containing intermetallic compounds in Al alloysQue, Z; Fang, C; Mendis, C; Wang, Y; Fan, Z
20-Sep-2023Mechanical Property Enhancement Due to Plastic Deformation Prior to Peak-Age Hardening in an Al-Mg-Si Aluminium AlloyEssien, A; Li, Z; Barbatti, C; Mendis, C; Huang, Y
12-May-2023New Insight Into Crack-Healing Mechanism via Electropulsing TreatmentCai, Q; Zhou, M; Bagherpour, E; Hosseini, S; Mendis, C; Chang, I; Assadi, H
18-Apr-2017Static recrystallization behaviour of cold rolled Mg-Zn-Y alloy and role of solute segregation in microstructure evolutionKim, YM; Mendis, C; Sasaski, T; Letzig, D; Pyczak, F; Hono, K; Yi, S
2024Strain enhanced strengthening during thermomechanical ageing of an automotive aluminium alloyEssien, Aniekanabasi
20-Jan-2023Thermal behaviour and microstructure evolution of new ternary eutectic alloy in Al-Cu-Si-Ni systemCai, Q; Fang, C; Mendis, C; Chang, ITH; Cantor, B
26-May-2019Towards directly formable thin gauge AZ31 Mg alloy sheet production by melt conditioned twin roll castingYang, X; Patel, J; Huang, Y; Mendis, C; Fan, Z
22-Sep-2017Ultrasound assisted casting of an AM60 based metal matrix nanocomposite, its properties, and recyclabilityDieringa, H; Katsarou, L; Buzolin, R; Szakács, G; Horstmann, M; Wolff, M; Mendis, C; Vorozhtsov, S; StJohn, D