Browsing by Author Megaritis, T

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Showing results 16 to 23 of 23 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Mar-2024New laminar flame speed correlation for lean mixtures of hydrogen combustion with water addition under high pressure conditionsRrustemi, DN; Ganippa, LC; Megaritis, T; Axon, CJ
1-Jul-2022Numerical analysis of zero-carbon HCCI engine fuelled with steam diluted H<inf>2</inf>/H<inf>2</inf>O<inf>2</inf> blendsFernie, O; Megaritis, T; Ganippa, LC; Tingas, E-A
1-Nov-2022Numerical Study on Hydrogen–Gasoline Dual-Fuel Spark Ignition EngineAghahasani, M; Gharehghani, A; Mahmoudzadeh Andwari, A; Mikulski, M; Pesyridis, A; Megaritis, T; Könnö, J
2005Optical study of flow and combustion in an HCCI engine with negative valve overlapWilson, TS; Xu, H; Richardson, S; Wyszynski, ML; Megaritis, T
3-Jun-2019Performance, regulated and unregulated exhaust emission of a stationary compression ignition engine fueled by water-ULSD emulsionDhahad, HA; Chaichan, MT; Megaritis, T
4-Jan-2025Predicting hydrogen engine performance with water addition using a two-zone thermodynamic modelRrustemi, DN; Ganippa, LC; Megaritis, T; Axon, CJ
2012Supporting the regeneration process of a diesel particulate filter with the addition of hydrogen and hydrogen/carbon monoxide mixtures: diesel engine aftertreatment systemHemmings, Stephen
18-Jul-2022Ultralow Sulfur Diesel and Rapeseed Methyl Ester Fuel Impact on Performance, Emitted Regulated, Unregulated, and Nanoparticle PollutantsChaichan, MT; Fayad, MA; Al Ezzi, A; Dhahad, HA; Megaritis, T; Yusaf, T; Al-Amiery, A; Wan Isahak, WNR