Browsing by Author Mahfouf, M

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Showing results 7 to 16 of 16 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007Hot rolled aluminium alloys texture via hybrid modellingMahfouf, M; Linkens, DA; Abbod, MF; Talamantes-Silva, J
14-Oct-2020Inspection by exception: A new machine learning-based approach for multistage manufacturingPapananias, M; McLeay, TE; Obajemu, O; Mahfouf, M; Kadirkamanathan, V
5-Jul-2019An intelligent metrology informatics system based on neural networks for multistage manufacturing processesPapananias, M; McLeay, TE; Mahfouf, M; Kadirkamanathan, V
4-Oct-2021An interpretable machine learning based approach for process to areal surface metrology informaticsObajemu, O; Mahfouf, M; Papananias, M; McLeay, TE; Kadirkamanathan, V
2007Modelling of dynamic recrystallisation of 316L stainless steel using a systems approachAbbod, MF; Mahfouf, M; Linkens, DA; Sellars, CM
2007Modelling the flow behaviour, recrystallisation and crystallographic texture in hot deformed Fe-30wt%Ni AusteniteAbbod, MF; Sellars, CM; Cizek, P; Mahfouf, M; Linkens, DA
2007Modelling the flow behaviour, recrystallisation and crystallographic texture in hot deformed Fe-30wt%Ni austeniteAbbod, MF; Sellars, CM; Cizek, P; Linkens, DA; Mahfouf, M
2007Multi-modal simulation for microstructural and property prediction for Al alloy hot rollingLinkens, DA; Wong, T; Abbod, MF; Mahfouf, M; Talamantes-Silva, J
1998Multi-objective genetic optimisation for self-organising fuzzy logic controlAbbod, MF; Mahfouf, M; Linkens, DA
21-Dec-2022A probabilistic framework for product health monitoring in multistage manufacturing using Unsupervised Artificial Neural Networks and Gaussian ProcessesPapananias, M; McLeay, TE; Mahfouf, M; Kadirkamanathan, V