Browsing by Author Liu, X

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Showing results 269 to 272 of 272 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005A Weighted Sum Validity Function for Clustering With a Hybrid Niching Genetic AlgorithmSheng, W; Swift, S; Zhang, L; Liu, X
9-Feb-2024Wideband Dual-Polarized Filtering Antenna for Base Station ApplicationsLiu, X; Sanz-Izquierdo, B; Gao, S; Wen, L; Yang, X-X
21-Apr-2021A Wideband Triple-Mode Differentially Fed Microstrip Patch AntennaLiu, X; Hu, W; Gao, S; Wen, L; Luo, Q; Xu, R; Liu, Y
25-Jun-2021轴向压缩下圆柱形动力锂离子电池的性能 = Performance of Cylindrical Power Lithium-Ion Battery under Axial CompressionLi, M; Liu, X; Zhang, S; Song, H; Wang, G; Wang, B