Browsing by Author Liu, X

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Showing results 140 to 159 of 272 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
4-Sep-2021A New GAN-Based Approach to Data Augmentation and Image Segmentation for Crack Detection in Thermal Imaging TestsTian, L; Wang, Z; Liu, W; Cheng, Y; Alsaadi, FE; Liu, X
2015A new hybrid algorithm for bankruptcy prediction using switching particle swarm optimization and support vector machinesLu, Y; Zeng, N; Liu, X; Yi, S
29-Dec-2022A New Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Outlier Detection: Industrial Data Clustering in Wire Arc Additive ManufacturingFang, J; Wang, Z; Liu, W; Lauria, S; Zeng, N; Prieto, C; Sikstrom, F; Liu, X
29-Dec-2023A new particle-swarm-optimization-assisted deep transfer learning framework with applications to outlier detection in additive manufacturingFang, J; Wang, Z; Liu, W; Chen, L; Liu, X
2008A niching memetic algorithm for simultaneous clustering and feature selectionSheng, W; Liu, X; Fairhurst, M
2007Noise filtering and microarray image reconstruction via chained fouriersFraser, K; Li, Y; Wang, Z; Kellam, P; Liu, X
19-Aug-2020Nonfragile H<inf>∞</inf>State Estimation for Recurrent Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays: On Proportional-Integral Observer DesignZhao, D; Wang, Z; Wei, G; Liu, X
7-Mar-2022Nonlinear deformation and failure characteristics of horseshoe-shaped tunnel under varying principal stress directionGong, B; Liang, Z; Liu, X
2003Nonlinear filtering for state delayed systems with Markovian switchingWang, Z; Lam, J; Liu, X
2014Nonparallel support vector machines for pattern classificationTian, Y; Qi, Z; Ju, X; Shi, Y; Liu, X
2010A note on control of a class of discrete-time stochastic systems with distributed delays and nonlinear disturbancesWang, Z; Liu, Y; Wei, G; Liu, X
2004A note on the robust stability of uncertain stochastic fuzzy systems with time-delaysWang, Z; Ho, DWC; Liu, X
20-Jul-2019A novel aggregation-based dominance for Pareto-based evolutionary algorithms to configure software product linesXue, Y; Li, M; Shepperd, M; Lauria, S; Liu, X
2018Novel approaches for risk management of legionella bacteria in domestic water systemsPeter, Aji
24-Dec-2024A Novel Depth-Connected Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Small Defect Detection in Additive ManufacturingWang, Y; Wang, Z; Liu, W; Zeng, N; Lauria, S; Prieto, C; Sikström, F; Yu, H; Liu, X
24-Jan-2025A Novel Hyperparameter Optimization Approach for Supervised Classification: Phase Prediction of Multi-Principal Element AlloysFatimi, SH; Wang, Z; Chang, ITH; Liu, W; Liu, X
23-Jun-2023A Novel Multi-Objective Optimization Approach with Flexible Operation Planning Strategy for Truck SchedulingWang, Y; Liu, W; Wang, C; Fadzil, F; Lauria, S; Liu, X
2013A novel neural network approach to cDNA microarray image segmentationWang, Z; Zineddin, B; Liang, J; Zeng, N; Li, Y; Du, M; Cao, J; Liu, X
2016Novel particle swarm optimization algorithms with applications in power systemsRahman, Izaz Ur
2020Novel particle swarm optimization algorithms with applications to healthcare data analysisLiu, Weibo