Browsing by Author Liu, X

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Showing results 117 to 136 of 272 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Kalman filtering for discrete stochastic systems with multiplicative noises and random two-step sensor delaysChen, D; Yu, Y; Xu, L; Liu, X
2003Learning dynamic Bayesian networks from multivariate time series with changing dependenciesTucker, A; Liu, X
2005Learning short multivariate time series models through evolutionary and sparse matrix computationSwift, S; Kok, J; Liu, X
2008Low-resolution human detection and gait recognition in natural scenesRuta, A; Li, Y; Liu, X
2018Machine Learning with Applications in Breast Cancer Diagnosis and PrognosisYue, W; Wang, Z; Chen, H; Payne, A; Liu, X
1994Managing the noisy glaucomatous test data by self organising mapsLiu, X; Cheng, G; Wu, J
29-Jun-2022Many-objective optimization meets recommendation systems: A food recommendation scenarioZhang, J; Li, M; Liu, W; Lauria, S; Liu, X
26-Sep-2024Many-Objective Simulation Optimization for Camp Location Problems in Humanitarian LogisticsXue, Y; Li, M; Arabnejad, H; Suleimenova, D; Jahani, A; C. Geiger, B; Boesjes, F; Anagnostou, A; J.E. Taylor, S; Liu, X; Groen, D
10-May-2024Mass Optimization of Crane Box Girder Considering Both Ribs and Diaphragms using APDLRen, Y; Liu, X; Wang, B
5-May-2021Melt pool segmentation for additive manufacturing: A generative adversarial network approachLiu, W; Wang, Z; Tian, L; Lauria, S; Liu, X
2011Microarray image processing: A novel neural network frameworkZineddin, Bachar
2007Microarray sub-grid detection: A novel algorithmMorris, D; Wang, Z; Liu, X
2014Microfluidic interactions between red blood cells and drug carriers by image analysis techniquesD' Apolito, R; Taraballi, F; Minardi, S; Liu, X; Caserta, S; Cevenini, A; Tasciotti, E; Tomaiuolo, G; Guido, S; 4th Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2014)
2007Mining learners’ behavior in accessing web-based interfaceLee, MW; Chen, SY; Liu, X
2011Mining learning preferences in web-based instruction: Holists vs. SerialistsClewley, N; Chen, SY; Liu, X
2005Modelling flan wear of carbide tool insert in metal cuttingLuo, X; Cheng, K; Holt, R; Liu, X
2019Modelling Tails for Collinear Data with Outliers in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing: Quantile Profile RegressionLiu, X; Siverani, S; Yu, K; Smith, KJ
2010Monostability and multistability of genetic regulatory networks with different types of regulation functionsPan, W; Wang, Z; Gao, H; Liu, X
30-Jul-2021Morphologically templated nucleation of primary Si on AlP in hypereutectic Al-Si alloysZhu, X; Wang, S; Dong, X; Liu, X; Ji, S
2017Multi-Line distance minimization: A visualized many-objective test problem suiteLi, M; Grosan, C; Yang, S; Liu, X; Yao, X