Browsing by Author Li, M

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Showing results 21 to 40 of 138 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Dealing with uncertain entities in ontology alignment using rough setsLi, M; Al-Raweshidy, H; Mousavi, A; Qi, M
2019Deep learning driven data analytics for smart gridsHan, Fujia
18-Dec-2021Deformation and Failure Properties of High-Ni Lithium-ion Battery Under Axial LoadsWang, G; Zhang, S; Li, M; Wu, J; Wang, B; Song, H
2019Design and development of an SDN robotic system with intelligent openflow IOT testbeds for power assessment, prediction and fault managementAl Mhdawi, Ammar Khalid
2018Design of energy efficient protocols-based optimisation algorithms for IoT networksAl-Janabi, Thair
8-Aug-2022DGPolarNet: Dynamic Graph Convolution Network for LiDAR Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation on Polar BEVSong, W; Liu, Z; Guo, Y; Sun, S; Zu, G; Li, M
2014Diversity comparison of Pareto front approximations in many-objective optimizationLi, M; Yang, S; Liu, X
13-Dec-2022Dynamic Community Detection Method of a Social Network Based on Node Embedding RepresentationZhang, B; Mi, Y; Zhang, L; Zhang, Y; Li, M; Zhai, Q; Li, M
18-Aug-2022Editor’s NoteShu, L; Rodrigues, JJPC; Cohn, AG; Mao, Q; Li, M
24-Jan-2022The effect of solution temperature on the precipitates evolution and aging hardening response of Al-15%Mg2Si(-1%Cu) alloysSun, Y; Hu, M; Li, M; Li, C; Zhu, X; Xia, X; Yu, L; Liu, Y
20-Oct-2022An effective and efficient evolutionary algorithm for many-objective optimizationXue, Y; Li, M; Liu, X
20-Feb-2023Effects of Particle Swarm Optimisation on a Hybrid Load Balancing Approach for Resource Optimisation in Internet of ThingsDatiri, DD; Li, M
2018EGEP: An Event Tracker Enhanced Gene Expression Programming for Data Driven System Engineering ProblemsHuang, Z; Li, M; Mousavi, A; Danishva, M; Wang, Z
2016Emotion Detection from EEG RecordingsLiu, J; Meng, H; Nandi, A; Li, M
2018Emotion Detection from EEG Recordings Based on Hybrid Dimension Reduction on Distinct FeaturesLiu, J; Meng, H; Li, M; Zhang, F; Qin, R; Nandi, A
2016Emotion Extraction and Recognition from MusicZhang, F; Meng, H; Li, M
2013ETEA: A euclidean minimum spanning tree-Based evolutionary algorithm for multiobjective optimizationLi, M; Yang, S; Zheng, J; Liu, X
2015Evolutionary multi-objective workflow scheduling in CloudZhu, Z; Zhang, G; Li, M; Liu, X
2017Experimentation on Dynamic Congestion Control in Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualisation (NFV)Kamaruddin, Amalina Farhan
7-Nov-2019A Fast Automatic Holoscopic 3D Micro-gesture Recognition System for Immersive ApplicationsQin, R; Liu, Y; Swash, M; Li, M; Meng, H; Lei, T; Chen, T