Browsing by Author Kolokotroni, M

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Showing results 39 to 58 of 81 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
23-Oct-2021Impact of reflective materials on urban canyon albedo, outdoor and indoor microclimatesSalvati, A; Kolokotroni, M; Kotopouleas, A; Watkins, R; Giridharan, R; Nikolopoulou, M
2015The impact of surface characteristics on ambient temperature at urban micro scale: Comparative field study in two climatesMaciel, CDR; Kolokotroni, M; Nogueira, MCDJA; Giridharan, R; Watkins, R
2002The impact of the urban environment on the energy used for cooling buildingsWatkins, Richard
16-Apr-2020Impact of urban albedo on microclimate and thermal comfort over a heat wave event in LondonSalvati, A; Kolokotroni, M
1-Sep-2020Impact of urban albedo on microclimate: Computational investigation in LondonSalvati, A; Kolokotroni, M; Kotopouleas, A; Watkins, R; Giridharan, R; Nikolopoulou, M
2012Improved simulation of phase change processes in applications where conduction is the dominant heat transfer modeGowreesunker, BL; Tassou, SA; Kolokotroni, M
15-Sep-2020The Indoor Air Quality in a Shared Students Kitchen: Pre and Post refurbishment MeasurementsFoda, E; Kolokotroni, M; Tavares, J
14-Aug-2023Indoor environment prediction using climate correlation modelsKolokotroni, M; Zune, M
2010Integrating active thermal mass strategies in responsive buildingsWarwick, David James
2018Investigation and improvement of a pcm-air heat exchanger to reduce energy use in buildingsSantos, Thiago Victor de Oliveira
2013Investigation of energy performance and climate change adaptation strategies of hotels in GreeceFarrou, Ifigenia
2010Investigation of renewable, coupled solar-hydrogen fuel generation with thermal management systems suitable for equatorial regionsWilson, Earle Anthony
14-Dec-2022Investigation on the thermal condition of a traditional cold-lane in summer in subtropical humid climate region of chinaChen, H; Wei, Y; Lin, Y; Yang, W; Chen, X; Kolokotroni, M; Liu, X; Zhang, G
17-Jul-2021Long term performance analysis of low concentrating photovoltaic (LCPV) systems for building retrofitParupudi, RV; Singh, H; Kolokotroni, M; Tavares, J
16-Sep-2020Low Concentrating Photovoltaics (LCPV) for buildings and their performance analysesParupudi, RV; Singh, H; Kolokotroni, M
2-Sep-2019Microclimate Data For Building Energy Modelling: Study On ENVI-Met Forcing DataSalvati, A; Kolokotroni, M
22-Nov-2021Nature Based Solution for indoor air quality treatmentGattringer, H; Efthymiou-Charalampopoulou, N; Lines, E; Kolokotroni, M
2016Non dimensional analysis and characterisation of driving forces for a single sided slot louvre ventilation systemO'Sullivan, PD; Kolokotroni, M
12-Jan-2021Numerical Design and Laboratory Testing of Encapsulated PCM Panels for PCM-Air Heat ExchangersSantos, T; Wrobel, LC; Hopper, N; Kolokotroni, M
15-Oct-2019Numerical Modelling of Large Air Conditioned Space: Comparison of Two Ventilation SystemsAlzaid, A; Kolokotroni, M; Awbi, H