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Showing results 32 to 51 of 53 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
4-Aug-2021Regional thermal hyperemia in the human leg: Evidence of the importance of thermosensitive mechanisms in the control of the peripheral circulationKoch Esteves, N; Gibson, OR; Khir, AW; González‐Alonso, J
1-Nov-2018Reply to Mynard et alPomella, N; Wilhelm, EN; Kolyva, C; González-Alonso, J; Rakobowchuk, M; Khir, AW
2015Reservoir and reservoir-less pressure effects on arterial waves in the canine aortaBorlotti, A; Park, C; Parker, KH; Khir, AW
Sep-2018Semi-automatic Vendor-Independent Software for Assessment of Local Arterial StiffnessNegoita, M; Abdullateef, S; Khir, AW; Hughes, AD; Parker, KH
2007Simultaneous determination of wave speed and arrival time of reflected waves using the pressure-velocity loopKhir, AW; Swalen, MJP; Feng, J; Parker, KH
10-Jul-2019The speed, reflection and intensity of waves propagating in flexible tubes with aneurysm and stenosis: experimental investigationHacham, WS; Khir, AW
Sep-2018A Study on the Characteristics Influencing the Pressure at the Root of a Distributed One-Dimensional Model of Arterial Blood FlowAbdullateef, S; Khir, AW; Mariscal-Harana, J; Alastruey, J
31-Mar-2021Study Protocol: The Heart and Brain StudySuri, S; Bulte, D; Chiesa, ST; Ebmeier, KP; Jezzard, P; Rieger, SW; Pitt, JE; Griffanti, L; Okell, TW; Craig, M; Chappell, MA; Blockley, NP; Kivimäki, M; Singh-Manoux, A; Khir, AW; Hughes, AD; Deanfield, JE; Jensen, DEA; Green, SF; Sigutova, V; Jansen, MG; Zsoldos, E; Mackay, CE
15-Feb-2022Subject-specific Pressure Normalisation of Local Pulse Wave Velocity: Separating Intrinsic from Acute Load-dependent Stiffening in Hypertensive PatientsGiudici, A; Palombo, C; Kozakova, M; Morizzo, C; Cruickshank, JK; Khir, AW
23-Aug-2024Synthesis of Multimodal Cardiological Signals using a Conditional Wasserstein Generative Adversarial NetworkCretu, I; Tindale, A; Balachandran, W; Abbod, M; Khir, AW; Meng, H
9-Jan-2025Temporary Pacing Simulator: A Training Tool for CliniciansCretu, I; Tindale, A; Abbod, M; Balachandran, W; Khir, AW; Meng, H
Sep-2018Theoretical and Experimental Reflection Coefficients in Flexible Tubes as a Function of the Mach NumberGiudici, A; Hacham, W; Khir, AW
2017Towards a consensus on the understanding and analysis of the pulse waveform: Results from the 2016 Workshop on Arterial Hemodynamics: Past, present and futureSegers, P; O'Rourke, MF; Parker, K; Westerhof, N; Hughes, A; Aguado-Sierra, J; Aizawa, K; Alastruey, J; Allen, J; Avolio, A; Chen, CH; Cheng, HM; Faita, F; Fraser, A; Gavish, B; Greenwald, S; Hametner, B; Holewijn, S; Di Lascio, N; Izzo, JL; Khir, AW; Negoita, M; Obeid, H; Mynard, J; Reesink, KD; Rivolo, S; Schultz, MG; Sharman, J; Spronck, B; Su, J; Thom, S; Vennin, S; Verdonck, P; Westerhof, BE
9-Dec-2020Towards the non-invasive determination of arterial wall distensible properties: new approach using old formulaeLi, Y; Giudici, A; Wilkinson, IB; Khir, AW
22-Sep-2021Transfer-function free technique for the non-invasive determination of the human arterial pressure waveformGiudici, A; Palombo, C; Morizzo, C; Kozakova, M; Cruickshank, JK; Wilkinson, IB; Khir, AW
2-Mar-2023Tri-layered constitutive modelling unveils functional differences between the pig ascending and lower thoracic aortaGiudici, A; Spronck, B; Wilkinson, IB; Khir, AW
2016Using wave intensity analysis to determine local reflection coefficient in flexible tubesLi, Y; Parker, KH; Khir, AW
2008Vascular device interaction with the endotheliumAtherton, MA; Khir, AW; Cavazzuti, M; Barozzi, G; Collins, M
2015Wave intensity analysis in air-filled flexible vesselsClavica, F; Parker, KH; Khir, AW
2002Wave intensity analysis: A novel non-invasive method for determining arterial wave transmissionZambanini, A; Khir, AW; Byrd, SM; Parker, KH; Thom, SAM; Hughes, AD