Browsing by Author Khir, AW

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Showing results 8 to 27 of 53 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007Determination of wave intensity in flexible tubes using measured diameter and velocityFeng, J; Khir, AW
2009Determination of wave speed and distensibility of flexible tubes using diameter and velocityLi, Y; Khir, AW
2009Discerning aortic waves during intra-aortic balloon pumping and their relation to benefits of counterpulsation in humansKolyva, C; Pantalos, GM; Giridharan, GA; Pepper, JR; Khir, AW
2015Does conventional intra-aortic balloon pump trigger timing produce optimal hemodynamic effects in vivo?Kolyva, C; Pantalos, GM; Pepper, JR; Khir, AW
15-Jul-2021Five years of cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI) and CAVI0: how close are we to a pressure-independent index of arterial stiffness?Giudici, A; Khir, AW; Reesink, KD; Delhaas, T; Spronck, B
3-Jun-2021From Uniaxial Testing of Isolated Layers to a Tri-Layered Arterial Wall: A Novel Constitutive Modelling FrameworkGiudici, A; Khir, AW; Szafron, JM; Spronck, B
2010How much of the intraaortic balloon volume is displaced toward the coronary circulation?Kolyva, C; Pantalos, GM; Pepper, JR; Khir, AW
18-Jan-2020Impact of Tapering of Arterial Vessels on Blood Pressure, Pulse Wave Velocity, and Wave Intensity Analysis using 1-Dimensional Computational ModelAbdullateef, S; Mariscal-Harana, J; Khir, AW
30-Sep-2020Impact of Varying Diastolic Pressure Fitting Technique for the Reservoir-Wave model on Wave Intensity AnalysisPomella, N; Rietzschel, ER; Segers, P; Khir, AW
15-Jun-2020Implications of Changing the Asymptotic Diastolic Pressure in the Reservoir-wave Model on Wave Intensity Parameters: A Parametric StudyPomella, N; Rietzschel, ER; Segers, P; Khir, AW
4-Jun-2018The matrix proteins aggrecan and fibulin-1 play a key role in determining aortic stiffnessYasmin; Maskari, RA; McEniery, CM; Cleary, SE; Li, Y; Siew, K; Figg, NL; Khir, AW; Cockcroft, JR; Wilkinson, IB; O'Shaughnessy, KM
2015Measurements of intra-aortic balloon wall movement during inflation and deflation: Effects of angulation.Bruti, G; Kolyva, C; Pepper, JR; Khir, AW
5-Nov-2020Mechanisms of Aortic Flow Deceleration And The Effect of Wave Reflection On Left Ventricular FunctionPark, CM; Hughes, AD; Henein, MY; Khir, AW
26-Nov-2018A method for determining local pulse wave velocity in human ascending aorta from sequential ultrasound measurements of diameter and velocityNegoita, M; Hughes, AD; Parker, KH; Khir, AW
28-Sep-2021Mock Circulatory Loops Used For Testing Cardiac Assist Devices: A Review Of Computational And Experimental ModelsCappon, F; Wu, T; Papaioannou, T; Du, X; Hsu, P-L; Khir, AW
2011Multi-scale interaction of particulate flow and the artery wallHalliday, I; Atherton, M; Care, CM; Collins, MW; Evans, D; Evans, PC; Hose, DR; Khir, AW; König, CS; Krams, R; Lawford, PV; Lishchuk, SV; Pontrelli, G; Ridger, V; Spencer, TJ; Ventikos, Y; Walker, DC; Watton, PN
2005A new approach to investigate wave dissipation in viscoelastic tubes: Application of wave intensity analysisFeng, J; Khir, AW
16-Aug-2016Newly shaped intra-aortic balloons improve the performance of counterpulsation at the semirecumbent position: An in vitro studyKolyva, C; Pepper, JR; Khir, AW
20-Jul-2021Non-invasive Carotid Pressure-Diameter Loops to Identify Viscoelastic Properties in Ageing, Hypertension and Type 2 DiabetesGiudici, A; Palombo, C; Kozakova, M; Morizzo, C; Penno, G; Jamagidze, G; Della Latta, D; Chiappino, D; Cruickshank, JK; Khir, AW
2017Non-invasive technique for determining local pulse wave velocity in humans ascending aortaNegoita, M; Hughes, AD; Parker, KH; Khir, AW