Browsing by Author Katsou, E

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Showing results 30 to 49 of 61 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
4-Nov-2019Long-term operation of a pilot-scale anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) treating high salinity low loaded municipal wastewater in real environmentFoglia, A; Akyol, Ç; Frison, N; Katsou, E; Eusebi, AL; Fatone, F
2021Measurement and assessment of circular economy in water systemsNika, Chrysanthi-Elisavet
10-Dec-2016Membrane bioreactors – A review on recent developments in energy reduction, fouling control, novel configurations, LCA and market prospectsKrzeminski, P; Leverette, L; Malamis, S; Katsou, E
2023Methods to measure and enhance the circularity of wastewater resourcesRenfrew, David C.
23-Sep-2020Microplastics in real wastewater treatment schemes: Comparative assessment and relevant inhibition effects on anaerobic processesPittura, L; Foglia, A; Akyol, Ç; Cipolletta, G; Benedetti, M; Regoli, F; Eusebi, AL; Sabbatini, S; Tseng, LY; Katsou, E; Gorbi, S; Fatone, F
2017A Mini Review of the Techno-environmental Sustainability of Biological Processes for the Treatment of High Organic Content Industrial Wastewater StreamsMassara, TM; Komesli, OT; Sozudogru, O; Komesli, S; Katsou, E
19-Mar-2020Multilevel environmental assessment of the anaerobic treatment of dairy processing effluents in the context of circular economyStanchev, P; Vasilaki, V; Egas, D; Colon, J; Ponsá, S; Katsou, E
2017Municipal Waste Management and Waste-to-Energy in the Context of a Circular Economy and Energy Recycling in EuropeMalinauskaite, J; Jouhara, H; Czajczyńska, D; Stanchev, P; Katsou, E; Rostkowsk, P; Thorne, RJ; Colón, J; Ponsá, S; Al-Mansour, F; Anguilano, L; Krzyżyńska, R; López, IC; Vlasopoulos, A; Spencer, N
17-Mar-2021Nature-Based Solutions and Circularity in CitiesAtanasova, N; Castellar, JAC; Pineda-Martos, R; Nika, CE; Katsou, E; Istenič, D; Pucher, B; Andreucci, MB; Langergraber, G
18-Jun-2021Nature-based solutions as enablers of circularity in water systems: A review on assessment methodologies, tools and indicatorsNika, CE; Gusmaroli, L; Ghafourian, M; Atanasova, N; Buttiglieri, G; Katsou, E
15-Nov-2022Polylactic Acid (PLA) Reinforced with Date Palm Sheath Fiber Bio-Composites: Evaluation of Fiber Density, Geometry, and Content on the Physical and Mechanical PropertiesAwad, S; Hamouda, T; Midani, M; Katsou, E; Fan, M
2017Pyrolysis of domestic based feedstock at temperatures up to 300°CJouhara, H; Ahmad, D; van den Boogaert, I; Katsou, E; Simons, S; Spencer, N
12-Apr-2022Recent developments in hazardous pollutants removal from wastewater and water reuse within a circular economyAhmed, M; Mavukkandy, MO; Giwa, A; Elektorowicz, M; Katsou, E; Khelifi, O; Naddeo, V; Hasan, SW
26-Apr-2018Relating N<inf>2</inf>O emissions during biological nitrogen removal with operating conditions using multivariate statistical techniquesVasilaki, V; Volcke, EIP; Nandi, AK; van Loosdrecht, MCM; Katsou, E
10-Sep-2020Removal of Heavy Metals by a Membrane Bioreactor Combined with Activated CarbonÇalik, S; Sözüdoğru, O; Massara, TM; Yılmaz, AE; Bakırdere, S; Katsou, E; Komesli, OT
17-Aug-2020The removal of tetracycline from water using biochar produced from agricultural discarded materialHoslett, J; Ghazal, H; Katsou, E; Jouhara, H
14-Jun-2024A Review Analysis of Electricity Generation Studies with Social Life Cycle AssessmentTsalidis, GA; Batsioula, M; Banias, GF; Katsou, E
20-Jun-2024Screening Rainwater Harvesting Potentialities in the EU Industrial Sector: A Framework for Site-Specific AssessmentDias, DFC; Abily, M; Ribeiro, JM; Jouhara, H; Katsou, E
2016Social Aspects of Livestock Waste Management in CyprusLongo, S; Malamis, S; Katsou, E; Costa, CN; Theologides, CP; Fatone, F
2018Surface water filtration using granular media and membranes: A reviewHoslett, J; Massara, T; Malamis, S; Ahmad, D; Den Boogaert, IV; Katsou, E; Ahmad, B; Ghazal, H; Simons, S; Wrobel, L; Jouhara, H