Browsing by Author Katsou, E

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Showing results 27 to 46 of 61 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Knowledge discovery and data mining to understand and optimise the environmental behavior of wastewater treatment processesVasilaki, Vasileia K.
2020A knowledge discovery framework to predict the N2O emissions in the wastewater sectorVasilaki, V; Conca, V; Frison, N; Eusebi, AL; Fatone, F; Katsou, E
15-Apr-2022Knowledge-based and data-driven approaches for assessing greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater systemsPorro, J; Vasilaki, V; Bellandi, G; Katsou, E
4-Nov-2019Long-term operation of a pilot-scale anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) treating high salinity low loaded municipal wastewater in real environmentFoglia, A; Akyol, Ç; Frison, N; Katsou, E; Eusebi, AL; Fatone, F
2021Measurement and assessment of circular economy in water systemsNika, Chrysanthi-Elisavet
10-Dec-2016Membrane bioreactors – A review on recent developments in energy reduction, fouling control, novel configurations, LCA and market prospectsKrzeminski, P; Leverette, L; Malamis, S; Katsou, E
2023Methods to measure and enhance the circularity of wastewater resourcesRenfrew, David C.
23-Sep-2020Microplastics in real wastewater treatment schemes: Comparative assessment and relevant inhibition effects on anaerobic processesPittura, L; Foglia, A; Akyol, Ç; Cipolletta, G; Benedetti, M; Regoli, F; Eusebi, AL; Sabbatini, S; Tseng, LY; Katsou, E; Gorbi, S; Fatone, F
2017A Mini Review of the Techno-environmental Sustainability of Biological Processes for the Treatment of High Organic Content Industrial Wastewater StreamsMassara, TM; Komesli, OT; Sozudogru, O; Komesli, S; Katsou, E
19-Mar-2020Multilevel environmental assessment of the anaerobic treatment of dairy processing effluents in the context of circular economyStanchev, P; Vasilaki, V; Egas, D; Colon, J; Ponsá, S; Katsou, E
2017Municipal Waste Management and Waste-to-Energy in the Context of a Circular Economy and Energy Recycling in EuropeMalinauskaite, J; Jouhara, H; Czajczyńska, D; Stanchev, P; Katsou, E; Rostkowsk, P; Thorne, RJ; Colón, J; Ponsá, S; Al-Mansour, F; Anguilano, L; Krzyżyńska, R; López, IC; Vlasopoulos, A; Spencer, N
17-Mar-2021Nature-Based Solutions and Circularity in CitiesAtanasova, N; Castellar, JAC; Pineda-Martos, R; Nika, CE; Katsou, E; Istenič, D; Pucher, B; Andreucci, MB; Langergraber, G
18-Jun-2021Nature-based solutions as enablers of circularity in water systems: A review on assessment methodologies, tools and indicatorsNika, CE; Gusmaroli, L; Ghafourian, M; Atanasova, N; Buttiglieri, G; Katsou, E
15-Nov-2022Polylactic Acid (PLA) Reinforced with Date Palm Sheath Fiber Bio-Composites: Evaluation of Fiber Density, Geometry, and Content on the Physical and Mechanical PropertiesAwad, S; Hamouda, T; Midani, M; Katsou, E; Fan, M
2017Pyrolysis of domestic based feedstock at temperatures up to 300°CJouhara, H; Ahmad, D; van den Boogaert, I; Katsou, E; Simons, S; Spencer, N
12-Apr-2022Recent developments in hazardous pollutants removal from wastewater and water reuse within a circular economyAhmed, M; Mavukkandy, MO; Giwa, A; Elektorowicz, M; Katsou, E; Khelifi, O; Naddeo, V; Hasan, SW
26-Apr-2018Relating N<inf>2</inf>O emissions during biological nitrogen removal with operating conditions using multivariate statistical techniquesVasilaki, V; Volcke, EIP; Nandi, AK; van Loosdrecht, MCM; Katsou, E
10-Sep-2020Removal of Heavy Metals by a Membrane Bioreactor Combined with Activated CarbonÇalik, S; Sözüdoğru, O; Massara, TM; Yılmaz, AE; Bakırdere, S; Katsou, E; Komesli, OT
17-Aug-2020The removal of tetracycline from water using biochar produced from agricultural discarded materialHoslett, J; Ghazal, H; Katsou, E; Jouhara, H
14-Jun-2024A Review Analysis of Electricity Generation Studies with Social Life Cycle AssessmentTsalidis, GA; Batsioula, M; Banias, GF; Katsou, E