Browsing by Author Jobling, S

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Showing results 67 to 73 of 73 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Unravelling the chemistry behind the toxicity of oil refining effluents: from characterisation to treatmentPinzón-Espinosa, Angela
2016Use of a battery of chemical and ecotoxicological methods for the assessment of the efficacy of wastewater treatment processes to remove estrogenic potencyBeresford, N; Baynes, AL; Kanda, R; Mills, M; Arias-Salazar, K; Collins, TJ; Jobling, S
2009Validation of a method for measuring sperm quality and quantity in reproductive toxicity tests with pair-breeding male fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas)Hala, D; Van Look, K; Holt, WV; Jobling, S
1995A variety of environmentally persistent chemicals, including some phthalate plasticizers, are weakly estrogenicJobling, S; Reynolds, T; White, R; Parker, MG; Sumpter, JP
1995Vitellogenesis as a biomarker for estrogenic contamination of the aquatic environmentSumpter, JP; Jobling, S
16-May-2017Whole genome analysis of a schistosomiasis-transmitting freshwater snailBridger, JM; Arican-Goktas, HD; Jobling, S; Adema, CM; Hillier, LW; Jones, CS; Loker, ES; Knight, M; Minx, P; Oliveira, G; Raghavan, N; Shedlock, A; Rodrigues do Amaral, L; Assis, JG
2009Why public health agencies cannot depend on good laboratory practices as a criterion for selecting data: The case of Bisphenol AMyers, JP; Vom Saal, FS; Akingbemi, BT; Arizono, K; Belcher, S; Colborn, T; Chahoud, I; Crain, DA; Farabollini, F; Guillette, LJJ; Hassold, T; Ho, S; Hunt, PA; Iguchi, T; Jobling, S; Kanno, J; Laufer, H; Marcus, M; McLachlan, JA; Nadal, A; Oehlmann, J; Olea, N; Palanza, P; Parmigiani, S; Rubin, BS; Schoenfelder, G; Sonnenschein, C; Soto, AM; Talsness, CE; Taylor, JA; Vandenberg, LN; Vandenbergh, JG; Vogel, S; Watson, CS; Welshons, WV; Zoeller, RT