Browsing by Author Dini, D
Showing results 14 to 16 of 16
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
14-Jun-2017 | Towards the Irving-Kirkwood limit of the mechanical stress tensor | Smith, ER; Heyes, DM; Dini, D |
15-Apr-2024 | TTCF4LAMMPS: A toolkit for simulation of the non-equilibrium behaviour of molecular fluids at experimentally accessible shear rates | Maffioli, L; Ewen, JP; Smith, ER; Varghese, S; Daivis, PJ; Dini, D; Todd, BD |
17-Feb-2021 | Viscuit and the fluctuation theorem investigation of shear viscosity by molecular dynamics simulations: The information and the noise | Heyes, DM; Dini, D; Smith, ER |