Browsing by Author Coletti, F

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Showing results 20 to 24 of 24 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015A new dynamic model of crude oil fouling deposits and its application to the simulation of fouling-cleaning cyclesDiaz-Bejarano, E; Coletti, F; Macchietto, S
22-Apr-2018Optimization of refinery preheat trains: Predictive maintenance and operations improvementColetti, F; Lozano, F; Diaz-Bejarano, E; MacChietto, S
6-Dec-2018Organic and Inorganic Fouling in Heat Exchangers – Industrial Case Study: Analysis of Fouling RateDiaz-Bejarano, E; Behranvand, E; Coletti, F; Mozdianfard, MR; Macchietto, S
31-Oct-2017Organic and inorganic fouling in heat exchangers – Industrial case study: Analysis of fouling stateDiaz-Bejarano, E; Behranvand, E; Coletti, F; Mozdianfard, MR; Macchietto, S
17-Aug-2016Thermo-hydraulic analysis of refinery heat exchangers undergoing foulingDiaz-Bejarano, E; Coletti, F; Macchietto, S