Browsing by Author Campbell, J

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Showing results 25 to 29 of 29 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Soft body impact resistance of composite foam core sandwich panels with unidirectional corrugated and tubular reinforcementsVignjevic, R; Campbell, J; Hughes, K; Orłowski, M; Garcea, S; Withers, P; Reed, J
2014SPH as a nonlocal regularisation method: Solution for instabilities due to strain-softeningVignjevic, R; Djordjevic, N; Gemkow, S; De Vuyst, T; Campbell, J
2023Thermal degradation of thermoplastic composites in high-temperature-short-duration processing: An investigation for composite-metal joiningGaitanelis, Dimitrios
2016Three-dimensional modelling identifies novel genetic dependencies associated with breast cancer progression in the isogenic MCF10 modelMaguire, SL; Peck, B; Wai, PT; Campbell, J; Barker, H; Gulati, A; Daley, F; Vyse, S; Huang, P; Lord, CJ; Farnie, G; Brennan, K; Natrajan, R
2018Transferring momentum: Novel drop protection concept for mobile devicesVignjevic, R; De Vuyst, T; Campbell, J; Djordjevic, N; Gulavani, O; Corcoran, F