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Title: First demonstration of ionization cooling by the Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment
Authors: Bogomilov, M
Tsenov, R
Vankova-Kirilova, G
Song, YP
Tang, JY
Li, ZH
Bertoni, R
Bonesini, M
Chignoli, F
Mazza, R
Palladino, V
Hanson, GG
Sakamoto, H
Collomb, N
Sato, A
Ishimoto, S
Chung, M
Sung, CK
Filthaut, F
Jokovic, D
Adams, D
White, C
Maletic, D
Savic, M
Jovancevic, N
Bayliss, V
Charnley, G
Nikolov, J
Vretenar, M
Ramberger, S
Asfandiyarov, R
Dumbell, K
Boehm, J
Gallagher, A
Grant, A
Griffiths, S
Hartnett, T
Martlew, B
Watson, S
Tucker, M
Moss, A
Muir, A
Mullacrane, I
Nugent, JC
Wilson, A
Oates, A
Owens, P
Stokes, G
Warburton, P
Bradshaw, TW
Brown, C
Courthold, M
Govans, J
Hills, M
Lagrange, J-B
Pasternak, J
Middleton, S
Macwaters, C
Nichols, A
Preece, R
Uchida, MA
Bayes, R
Ricciardi, S
Rogers, C
Stanley, T
Tarrant, J
Soler, FJP
Cobb, JH
Gamet, R
Cooke, P
Blackmore, VJ
Colling, D
Dobbs, A
Lord, T
Greis, JR
Dornan, P
Franchini, P
Hunt, C
Ellis, M
Pidcott, C
Jurj, PB
Kurup, A
Long, K
Martyniak, J
Booth, CN
Hodgson, P
Langlands, J
Overton, E
Pec, V
Smith, PJ
Gourlay, S
DeMello, A
Wilbur, S
Chatzitheodoridis, GT
Dick, AJ
Lambert, A
Taylor, I
Ronald, K
Whyte, CG
Young, AR
Boyd, S
Gardener, RBS
Li, D
Kyberd, P
Nebrensky, JJ
Palmer, M
Witte, H
Adey, D
Bari, AD
Heidt, C
Bross, AD
Bowring, D
Hanlet, P
Kuno, Y
Orestano, D
Liu, A
Neuffer, D
Popovic, M
Rubinov, P
Luo, T
Prestemon, S
Virostek, S
Freemire, B
Kaplan, DM
Mohayai, TA
Drielsma, F
Blondel, A
Snopok, P
Torun, Y
Cremaldi, LM
Karadzhov, Y
Tortora, L
Sanders, DA
Summers, DJ
Coney, LR
Keywords: Accelerator Physics (physics.acc-ph);High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
Issue Date: 22-Jul-2019
Publisher: Cornell University
Citation: Bogomilov, M. et al for the benefit of the MICE collaboration (2019) 'First demonstration of ionization cooling by the Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment', arXiv:1907.08562v1 [physics.acc-ph], pp. 1 - 19. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.1907.08562.
Abstract: High-brightness muon beams of energy comparable to those produced by state-of-the-art electron, proton and ion accelerators have yet to be realised. Such beams have the potential to carry the search for new phenomena in lepton-antilepton collisions to extremely high energy and also to provide uniquely well-characterised neutrino beams. A muon beam may be created through the decay of pions produced in the interaction of a proton beam with a target. To produce a high-brightness beam from such a source requires that the phase space volume occupied by the muons be reduced (cooled). Ionization cooling is the novel technique by which it is proposed to cool the beam. The Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment collaboration has constructed a section of an ionization cooling cell and used it to provide the first demonstration of ionization cooling. We present these ground-breaking measurements.
Description: Data Availability: The unprocessed and reconstructed data that support the findings of this study are publicly available on the GridPP computing Grid via the data DOIs: • The MICE unprocessed data: • The MICE reconstructed data: Publications using the MICE data must contain the following statement: We gratefully acknowledge the MICE collaboration for allowing us access to their data. Third-party results are not endorsed by the MICE collaboration.
Comments: 19 pages and 6 figures. Subjects: Accelerator Physics (physics.acc-ph); High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex). Report number: RAL-P-2019-003.
Software Availability: The MAUS software [63] that was used for reconstructing and analysing the MICE data is available at rd.brunel.8337542.
Other Identifiers: ORCiD: Paul Kyberd
arXiv:1907.08562v1 [physics.acc-ph]
Appears in Collections:Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Research Papers

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