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Title: On the Reliability of Watermarks for Large Language Models
Authors: Kirchenbauer, J
Geiping, J
Wen, Y
Shu, M
Saifullah, K
Kong, K
Fernando, K
Saha, A
Goldblum, M
Goldstein, T
Keywords: machine learning cs.LG;computation and language cs.CL;cryptography and security cs.CR
Issue Date: 7-May-2024
Publisher: ICLR
Citation: Kirchenbauer, J. et al. (2024) 'On the Reliability of Watermarks for Large Language Models', Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations, Vienna, Austria, 7- 11 May, pp. 1 - 9. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2306.04634 [Available at: (Accessed: 15 May 2024)].
Abstract: As LLMs become commonplace, machine-generated text has the potential to flood the internet with spam, social media bots, and valueless content. Watermarking is a simple and effective strategy for mitigating such harms by enabling the detection and documentation of LLM-generated text. Yet a crucial question remains: How reliable is watermarking in realistic settings in the wild? There, watermarked text may be modified to suit a user's needs, or entirely rewritten to avoid detection. We study the robustness of watermarked text after it is re-written by humans, paraphrased by a non-watermarked LLM, or mixed into a longer hand-written document. We find that watermarks remain detectable even after human and machine paraphrasing. While these attacks dilute the strength of the watermark, paraphrases are statistically likely to leak n-grams or even longer fragments of the original text, resulting in high-confidence detections when enough tokens are observed. For example, after strong human paraphrasing the watermark is detectable after observing 800 tokens on average, when setting a 1e-5 false positive rate. We also consider a range of new detection schemes that are sensitive to short spans of watermarked text embedded inside a large document, and we compare the robustness of watermarking to other kinds of detectors.
Description: This is the accepted version of the conference paper archived online at arXiv:2306.04634v4 [cs.LG], Comments: 9 pages in the main body. Published at ICLR 2024 ( Code is available at
Other Identifiers: ORCiD: Kasun Fernando
arXiv:2306.04634v4 [cs.LG]
Appears in Collections:Dept of Mathematics Research Papers

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